FLL 2023: Rules for Augmented Reality Statue M05 FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Challenge
Augmented reality transforms a piece of art into an experience.
Rotate the statue to reveal an augmented reality experience.
- #2195
- 22 Aug 2023
Augmented reality transforms a piece of art into an experience.
Rotate the statue to reveal an augmented reality experience.
What makes something art? Create an amazing art piece worthy of being displayed in a museum.
You can use the bricks in Bag 4 to build your team’s LEGO® art piece. Bring it to the match and then deliver it on the pedestal to the museum.
Immersing viewers so they are surrounded by the art allows them to experience and appreciate it in new ways.
Trigger the immersive experience for the viewer in the model.
Mechanical technology can support a theater performance by seamlessly changing the scenery, keeping the audience focused on the story.
Change the scenery to a different configuration, and consider what the other team will do so that you end with matching scenes.
3D technology adds depth and interactivity to the cinema experience, making it more enjoyable.
Trigger the 2D cinema screen to become a 3D experience.
Всяка част си има място в кутията и вие трябва да връщате всички части от там където сте ги взели.
Power can be stored in batteries, but it takes a lot of energy to produce them.
Deliver energy units to the rechargeable battery target area.
Factories use large amounts of energy to make the products we use such as toys.
Deliver energy units to the toy factory bin and release the mini dinosaur toy.
Surplus renewable energy can be used to convert water into hydrogen gas that can be stored in tanks until it is needed.
Deliver energy units to the hydrogen plant target area.
This model should represent the solution to your Innovation Project.
Deliver your Innovation Project model to the hydrogen plant target area.
Water from the river above the dam is stored in the reservoir. Water from lower down the river can also be pumped back up to fill the reservoir at times when there is excess electricity to use.
Place the looped water units from the river above and below the dam into the water reservoir or onto the red hooks.
Water released from the reservoir turns the turbine wheel to generate electricity.
Send the water unit from the top of the hydroelectric dam into the turbine wheel to release the energy unit.
Demand for energy is very high, and many different energy sources can be used to meet that demand.
Release the three energy units from the power plant.
Electronic devices like toys require energy to work. Rechargeable batteries are a more sustainable choice than disposable batteries.
Insert an energy unit or a rechargeable battery into the dinosaur toy to make it work.
Energy consumption in our homes is part of everyday life, such as watching the television.
Raise the television screen and move the energy unit to the television slot.
Renewable energy from the wind is used to turn the turbine blades and generate electricity.
Release the energy units from the wind turbine.
Hybrid cars use a combination of energy sources and can recharge or refuel at the fueling station.
Recharge the hybrid car by inserting the hybrid unit into the car.
Solar energy can be stored using new concentrating solar power technologies and then used to generate electricity.
Start the distribution of the energy units by moving them off their positions on the mat.
Smart grids use electricity generated from all the different energy sources and distribute it to the consumer where and when it is needed.
Raise your field’s orange connector to complete the smart grid connection with the opposite field.
New technologies help us to store energy. Volcanic rocks can be heated in an insulated enclosure to store energy until it is needed.
Load energy units into the energy storage bin and then release the stored energy unit from the tray under the model.
Oil is a non-renewable energy source that can be used to provide fuel for vehicles.
Pump the oil so that the fuel units load into the fuel truck, and then deliver the fuel truck to the fueling station.
За да разберете как робота вижда, или по-скоро НЕ вижда света, ще изиграем една игра, която ще ви позволи да усетите какво е да си робот.
Понякога не ни трябва робота да прави еднакви и предвидими неща, а нещо случайно и неочаквано! Ето как да направим това!