Our story

"With the development of technology the role of the teacher becomes even more important than ever. "
Kiril Mitov, founder at FLLCasts
Compared to just a few decades back, the teacher/instructor is no longer the one possessing the information. The information is somewhere on the Internet already available to students in all forms and materials. We think the goal of the teacher/instructor and the school in general is to provide the structure, to motivate, organize and direct.
The greatest challenge when doing STEM/ Technical science is that there are too few teachers. The reason is that people completing education in these fields generally do not continue with teaching in them. We are one of the little exceptions and we think that with our understanding and knowledge we can assist each teacher without prior knowledge in technical science conduct classes and educate students.
When we started our team tried to capture and share solutions to ever repeating challenges that occurred during robotics competitions. Our goal was to make the long period of building a great team of young engineers shorter, where "shorter" means "one season". We value the process of inventing, thinking, brainstorming, and we value improving on existing ideas or revolutionizing ideas, instead of finding the same solutions over and over again every year.
During this time we were conducting local classes with thousands of students and certifying hundreds of teachers in our Robopartans parent company.
FLLCasts goal is to be a platform for us to share our ideas and knowledge not only locally, but on the Internet where teachers and students from all countries could access them.
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