FLL 2024: Rules for M03 Coral Reef FIRST LEGO League 2024-2025 SUBMERGED Challenge
Carefully mount the new coral structure without damaging other nearby reef segments.
- #2369
- 31 Aug 2024
Carefully mount the new coral structure without damaging other nearby reef segments.
The shark was just tagged for research - release it back into its habitat.
Secure new coral structures to grow in the nursery until they are strong enough for transport to the reef.
From programs that rely entirely on proportional line following to those that use a PID-type program where "P" stands for the proportional line following component, proportional line following has proven to be a core mechanic in line following competitions.
Here, we discuss the effects of applying this method to the two-state duck-following algorithm.
While "multistate line following" can describe a variety of algorithms, this tutorial will cover its implementation using the ducky line-following method.
This is the most basic line-following method, commonly known as the "ducky" line-following method.
Here's one way to program using a color sensor!
Какво е цвят? Как нашият робот го вижда? Научете това тук!
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Чудили ли сте се дали вашият робот може да взема решения? Ето как можем да го направим!
Има много случаи в програмирането, в които искате нещо да се повтаря безкрайно. Ето как да го постигнете!
Това е един от първите сензорни блокове, които ще научите! Ето как го използваме!
Ревърсити - LEGO SPIKE Prime робот с два мотора в различни посоки има два двигателя, поставени в противоположни посоки! Ако просто поставим блок, който ги движи и двамата напред, роботът се върти на място. Та как да го придвижим напред?