Video tutorials

Task - import/implement our blocks and stop at black line
Implement a program for stopping at a black line with the blocks containing the implementation details for the InitArray, Calibration and Getting the calibrated result.
- #641
- 04 Oct 2017
Improving FLL Robot Game. Task. Drive the mechanism. Change Gears orientation
Experiment with changing the orientation and direction of gear wheels. Here are part of the tasks that you should complete before moving forward with the course.
- #455
- 23 Mar 2017

How to turn left and right with LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor
Programming the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor for FIRST LEGO League competitions involves learning how to turn left and right with the robot. There are not precise turns. The robot will make mistakes, because that's what robots do. But nevertheless it is important to learn how to program the robot to turn. We are releasing an additional course that is focused only on programming and how to make the robot consistent in its behavior, but in this tutorial we stop on turning
- #1865
- 23 Mar 2022
Improving FLL Robot Game. Task. Add a beam to both sides of the gear wheels
Here is the task for adding a beam on both sides of every gear wheel in your attachment.
- #458
- 26 Mar 2017

EV3 Phi. Move tank block - finish the whole 180 degrees turn
Once you start turning how to do you a whole 180 degrees turn. The robot almost does it, but not completely
- #384
- 17 Mar 2017
Arduino Basic Course. Download and install Arduino IDE software
Arduino programs are developed with a software and this software is downloaded from the site.
- #311
- 15 Nov 2016

Physics in LEGO Mindstorms Energy Accumulation and Conservation Part 6 Conclusion
In the video we reach a conclusion. We have energy accumulated and to keep the system turning we need about 1J of energy each second to keep it turning.
- #120
- 12 Jun 2016

Physics in LEGO Mindstorms Energy Accumulation and Conservation Part 5 Energy added to the system
The energy accumulated in the construction is about 2-3 Joules. In this first video we ask the question "How can we keep the energy in the system". How many Joules of energy should we input from the motor in order to keep the energy in the system.
- #119
- 10 Dec 2015

Robotics Game of Life introduction
Robotics Game of Life – that’s the name of our new scientific journey. We are organizing a 14-sessions course (1 session weekly). The idea of the course is to develop a solution to the Conway Game of Life where the robots would actually play the game. Students will construct the robots by instructions and lots of imagination. Initial programs will be provided by us and modified by students.
- #241
- 28 Feb 2016

Как да проверим дали спрайтът ни докосва определен цвят?
Ако искаме да проверим дали два спрайта се докосват или дали определен спрайт докосва нещо на екрана, най-лесно е да го направим с проверка на цвета! Сега ще разберете как да стане това.
- #1597
- 30 Mar 2020

За преподавателя: Как да давате задачи за движение
Какво трябва да знае всеки преподавател, когато дава задачи на ученици.
- #372
- 04 Feb 2017

Physics in LEGO Mindstorms: Energy Accumulation and Conservation. Part 3 - angular velocity
We got the speed of rotations of the motor in Radians per second. Let's calculate the value for the speed of the whole system. We calculate that the wheels are rotating with 375 radians per second. Which is impressive and quite fast for this system. From this speed, knowing the inertia mass we can calculate how much energy is the system accumulating.
- #116
- 22 Nov 2015

How it works - 'Inertia triggered attachment' from LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor (LIVE)
This is a live video tutorial of an inertia triggered attachment build with LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor. The attachment, the robot and the mission model are all built from a single 51515 set. The cool thing about inertia triggered attachments is that they are active and are activated without the use of any motors which means that you have the motors for the other missions at FIRST LEGO League competitions. In the tutorial we demonstrate and explain how such attachments works and how they could be used.
- #1907
- 08 Apr 2022
EV3 Phi. Turning. Intro to module and doing a competition
So far we know how to make a turn in an arc, just like the real cars do.
Today we will see what other options our robots have for turning.
- #414
- 18 Apr 2017

За преподавателя: Построяване на Петминутен робот
Бележки за построяването на Петминутен робот.
- #387
- 19 Mar 2017

Как да използваме кабелите за моторите и брика
Ще научим как да свързваме и да откачваме LEGO кабелите и в кои мотори трябва да свързваме двигателите.
- #355
- 04 Feb 2017

Improving FLL Robot Game. How to calculate gear ratio in complex systems
We calculate the number of rotatios when a gear system is involved. The driving wheel will have to do a number of rotations for the driven wheel to rotate to a desired number of degrees. In our specific case when the driven gear wheel is rotate to about 90 degrees the legs will lift the robot.
- #468
- 06 Apr 2017

Arduino Basic Course. Write your first Arduino program. Use example programs
For making the diode blink we just use one of the examples available in the Arduino Software.
- #312
- 15 Nov 2016

Advanced Light/Color sensors calibration for a maximum value for a single sensor
Following the Advance Light/Color sensors calibration for a minimum value for a single sensor tutorial, in this one, we continue with finding the maximum value detected by a sensor and storing this value in an array.
- #642
- 04 Oct 2017

Менюто с проекти на EV3 брика
Най-добрият начин да пускате програмите си е от менюто с проекти и сега ще разгледаме това меню подробно.
- #353
- 04 Feb 2017

Physics in LEGO Mindstorms: Energy Accumulation and Conservation. Part 4 - experiment for energy in Joules
We dispay the speed of rotation of the wheels on the brick screen. We use the math blocks to do a proper calculations from rotation to radians per second. Knowing the speed, the radiuses and the mass of the wheels we find energy in Joules accumulated in the construction.
- #117
- 29 Nov 2015

How to use an Ultrasonic Sensor in EV3 retail version
There is no block for programming the Ultrasonic Sensor in the retail version of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 software. In this video tutorial we will show you how you can download & import such blocks in order to use the sensor.
- #46
- 06 Nov 2013

How to follow and align with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this video tutorial we show how you can build robots that position on the field consistently and reliably by following and line and then aligning to a line. We also demonstrate the concept of "double align" which is quite powerful and even if there were some mistakes they will be handled.
- #1943
- 08 Aug 2022

Improving FLL Robot Game. Extend axles to reach from the motor to the wheels
Construct two legs for both sides of the robot. The task for this video is to attach this two legs on both sides and to build a system of gears and axles that power those legs.
- #460
- 28 Mar 2017

How to accomplish a loops mission with a Push/Pull attachment. Live demo with LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor.
This video tutorial had a different idea than what we recorded. We planned for a push/pull attachment as we've shown such attachments for LEGO Education SPIKE PRIME and LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3. However, the issues with LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor set 51515 is that we could not figure out an easy way to build a push pull attachment that meets our criteria for an attachment. Because of this we made a slight modification on the idea and it is again push/pull attachment but not moving in a line but in a circle - circular movement.
- #1909
- 12 Apr 2022