EV3 Phi. Turning around a pole - introduction to the module
Let's make a competition - there is a pole that the robot must turn around and return home.
- #381
- 17 Mar 2017
Let's make a competition - there is a pole that the robot must turn around and return home.
The task in this tutorial is to execute the program 10 times and to do it yourself. If you have your attachment then use it. If you have our attachment then use it. But execute the program 10 times and make sure that it works.
Sometimes the answer that you get by calculating seems not to be right. Is it the calculation that is wrong. Probably it is not the calculation, but something is happening with the robot.
We will take a look at the EV3 motors and will go into details about them
Sometimes a good teacher needs a few tricks in his sleeve, so that he can surprise and entertain his students.
Our next robot is called CastorBot, because of the castor ball.
We will demonstrate with a robot what the acceleration is and the effects of high and low acceleration.
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Handlebar Chopper Motorcycle robot works. See how fast it is.
This video tutorial contains a detailed explanation on how we accomplish the FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit mission called M05. EXTRACTION. On every robotics competition we have the challenge to collect, carry and return to base a number of objects. It is just in different way every time.
In this tutorial, we connect the Motorola phones to the Tetrix controller using the USB hub.
Let us do a quick recap of the whole lifting mission and its solution
Time to experiment with the controller, the diode and the program that makes the diode blink. Don't be afraid to change the program. We've prepared a number of tasks for you in the course that you should definitely complete before moving forward.
On the topic of following lines with a robot there is a way to make the robot follow the line a little more precisely. This method is called "Multi-states" program. Or at least we call it like this. In this tutorial you will see how we program 5 state for the robot line following program. This could be particularly important with FIRST LEGO League competitions where we must build consistent and reliable robots.
This LEGO Education SPIKE Prime video tutorial demonstrates the difference in turning slow and turning fast and using the Motion sensor to understand the orientation of the robot. We do 10 consecutive runs. The goal is to understand what can you expect from the robot behavior in terms of consistency.
Why we will never use seconds in our lessons.
An interesting question that has arise is whether we can use the LEGO Mindstorms EV3-G Software to program the NXT brick. In this episode we will go through the blocks from the EV3-G Software and see which works with the NXT Hardware and which does not.
In this video tutorial we start with the basic of the basic, eg. how to move. We use the block from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Word Blocks software. It is based on Scratch. The goal of the tutorial is to demonstrate how we can move and to teach something very important - the robot moves inaccurately
This video tutorial contains a detailed explanation on how we accomplish the FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit mission called M14. METEOROID DEFLECTION. The mission is a simple throw of a ball. But of course the ball should reach a specific mission model and arrive at a specific place. And that's always challenging.
В това занятие ще програмираме робота да показва емоции!
Време да приложим всичко научено досега на практика. Да направим робот шпионин!
In this video tutorial we use the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Motion Sensor to reach a mission model on the field. It's a basic use of the motion sensor that we will extend in the next few tutorials and in the same time we take the opportunity to demonstrate what a MyBlock is and how to develop one. As a result of this video you will learn how to make the program easier to read and maintain by organizing the blocks in the program in special MyBlocks that couple them all together.
For the current specific example we need two parts - the diode and the controller. In this episode we would show you which part is the controller, which are the jumpers and finally we would choose a diode.
Every turn is a circular motion and we will review the three types of turns from this point of view.
As a result from the previous two videos we have a diode that is blinking. What will now happen with the diode if we remove the power and change the position of the legs.
With this first tutorial on the Motion Sensor in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor course we demonstrate the basic algorithm for moving in a straight line with the Motion Sensor. From here all the other algorithms are modifications, and if you know the basic it will be easier to tweak the behavior for your particular challenge
Is it better to do fast turns or slow turns? Should you save some time by turning fast or should you be more precise by turning slow. Where is the balance? This video tutorial demonstrates exactly this for LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot, their motion sensor and an ever occurring question on FIRST LEGO League competition which is how to find the balance and where is the balance.