Extend a construction vertically
How to change the direction of a beam from horizontal to vertical.
- #483
- 11 Apr 2017
How to change the direction of a beam from horizontal to vertical.
Now that you have tried and solved a challenge involving a series of instructions, we would like to share a few best practices.
We will cover the names and the basic usage of the parts in our typical robot.
What a teacher must look out for, while students are building a robot from instructions.
When organizing this course, the behavior expectations should be set at the very beginning of the course.
We have the following behavior expectations from you during this course:
You ask the question.
You will probably err before you succeed.
You should work as a team. Share solutions with others, help them and allow them to help you.
When the teacher speaks, this is important to everyone.
You should read your lesson before you come to class.
There are some fundamental rules that we advise you to follow while organizing this course with students. Let's look at them.
In this course, you will work with other students in the group. These might be your classmates, teammates, or students you know from other activities. It is important to know your group so that you can work together with them in the best possible way.