What a teacher must look out for, while students are building a robot from instructions.
- #343
- 18 Jan 2017
- 2:16
Left or right
Watch for students' errors - they usually get left-right mirroring positions or orientation of pieces wrong.
They also get the positions of pins in а beam wrong - whether it is the third or fourth hole of the beam. They could also put the pin in the right hole, but on the wrong side of the beam - left instead of right or front instead of back.
The role of the teacher
Don't correct the students at the very moment they make a mistake (unless you are on a very tight schedule).
Give them some time to notice the bad alignment on their own and help them correct it when they realize it.
The role of the teacher is to actively observe and to be aware of the current situation of each student.
“How do I assemble this” and “Have I done this right” Questions
Show your students that they have to orient their construction the same way it is shown on the image and that they have to compare what they hold to the image on the screen.
While the students are constructing the robot there are a couple of things from our experience that you should watch out as a teacher, as an instructor, as someone that is helping the students.
Watch the students while they are building the robots. Every robot that we provide instructions while they are following the PDF instructions sometimes they kind of mistake the direction of the brick, they kind of place it like this instead of like this. They can make a mistake with the alignment of the parts and the direction. A part could be placed like this when it should be actually placed like this. And it is also possible when you have a robot and you have this motor that's actually a mirror image of this motor and one of the motors must be a mirror image of the other motor. And what some of the students are doing is that they are building the same module with the motors. So, they are building identical modules not mirror not mirror modules. And that's also one of the interesting mistakes that students make. Your role as a teacher should be to observe the students to look at their constructions but don't rush to stop them when they make a mistake. Unless you are in a very very tight schedule but it is much more appropriate and it has a better learning value if you just leave them to make a mistake. And when they make a mistake these are kind of the same mistakes each time with each group. And when they make a mistake you can also discuss with them how they can fix this mistake and you can also help them actually fix the mistake. So, it's important don't rush to stop them and to fix the mistake immediately.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

EV3 Phi. Introduction to robotics with LEGO Mindstorms
The things that you will be able to do with your EV3 robot by the end of this course are:
Freely move your robot towards desired target;
Avoid obstacles on the path of your robot using sensors;
Follow lines of any shape;
Detecting and picking up objects of any kind;
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Level A1. Introduction. Robotics with LEGO
Introduction to robotics - The first level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in second, third or fourth grades. A journey in space, with robots. Various constructions with robots are built. Learn how to control the motors so that the robot navigates around the Sun, the Moon and Earth in various ways. Getting to know the first of the sensors. The robot can feel its surroundings with the help of the Touch sensor and avoid obstacles.
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Lesson 1 - Moving forward
Your LEGO sets and the workplaces must be in exemplary shape. Beyond that, you must do one more thing.
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Robotics with LEGO - Level 1.0 - Adventure in Space
The first level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in fifth to twelfth grades.
Various constructions with robots are built. Learn how to control the motors so that the robot navigates around the Moon and Earth in various ways. Getting to know the first two sensors. The robot can feel its surroundings with the help of the Touch sensor and avoid obstacles.
The Ultrasonic distance sensor can help the robot avoid obstacles. Students work with concepts like loop, degrees and medium motor. Robots can now do two different actions at the same time - while solving missions on a field, the third motor clears detected obstacles.
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Lesson 1 - Moving like a Yo-Yo
Today, you will get to know your classmates and your teacher, learn how the lessons are conducted, construct your first robot, and learn how to program it to move. The end goal of this lesson is to make the robot move like a Yo-Yo. How does a Yo-Yo move?
If you have ever owned a Yo-Yo, you know that it's meant to fall down and rise back up to your hand. But in order for it to move successfully, we need to move our arm in such a way that we provide it with the required velocity. Otherwise, it will decrease the distance on the way back up on each drop until it stops.
Try to make a good impression on the rest of your class, because you will be doing this course with them until the end.
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Python with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 - Level 1
The course introduces students to the programming language Python. We use LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robots. Python is a popular programming language. It could be used for introducing students to programming, for academic studies, for developing machine learning algorithms and as a general-purpose language.
During the course, students learn how to read and how to develop Python programs. They use an Integrated Development Environment called Visual Studio Code. Robots are programmed to perform interesting and funny tasks like "bringing you water". The level ends with competition on a playing field with boxes.
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Lesson 1 - Beverage Assistant
Anyone who decides to develop themselves in the field of robotics does so because they have been dazzled by the possibilities of automation in everyday life.
Whether you wish to build a multitude of small robots that work together to make your life easier or a big humanoid robot that does your homework for you, you have also come here to create your own robots.
In order to create complex robots, we first need to build simpler ones but this does not mean that they cannot be functional. "Paalia Technology" is one of the companies that began manufacturing and selling robots that are programmed to be waiters and today we will make a simple robot that serves tables today.
For most of us, these are the first steps into robotics, which is why we will start with a simple platter robot that moves to a specific location and returns.
In every lesson, we will learn how to make increasingly more complex robots and you will be able to automate more aspects of your life.
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Level A1 - Space Adventure - Robotics with LEGO SPIKE Prime
That is the first level of the LEGO robotics curriculum for second, third, and fourth-grade students.
A "space adventure" but with robots. Different robot structures are built in Level A1. The motors are controlled so that the robots perform precise movements around the "Earth", "Moon" and "Sun". We use the force sensor to overcome various obstacles we bump into. We learn interesting facts about the solar system and space vehicles.
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![Image for [In Development] The fun level - Game-oriented introduction to LEGO robotics](https://d2nmr6p48f8xwg.cloudfront.net/content_pictures/pictures/000/002/636/a4f229bae5979562f6bfe32adc6281e577e312674a0cc5c98f8fdfe15e7c7da9b89f826a037575a5LEGO-Mindstorms-Ev3-Yolanda-Sailship-Robot-Fllcasts.png)
[In Development] The fun level - Game-oriented introduction to LEGO robotics
A level, designed for introduction in LEGO-robotics, focused mostly on games. We use goal-oriented challenges to make the students want to accomplish a certain task, learning a lot in the process. Some of the games we have included here are football, bowling, paper-plane competition and many more. It is suitable for studens 8 to 12 years old, but even older students will have a lot of fun with the activities.
This is a brand new course that we are experimenting with in a groups in June 2019. Keep in mind that it is possible to use it for summer camps and groups, but there are a few lessons that will be improved on the fly.
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Lesson 1 - Introduction
Today the robot we are building is a spaceship once again. The aim for today, however, is exact - to reach the further (dark) side of the moon!
Where is located the dark side? Why is it so hard to be reached? Why is it called "dark"?
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