TL; DR: The goal of today's task is for the yacht to follow a line (GPS), to detect when it bumps at something and to stop.

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- #1261
- 29 Apr 2019
The goal of the task "construction and theory" is for the students to feel like "billionaire", by developing their own design for the yacht. This task, along with constructing the robot should not take more than an hour. If you see a student trying to build something very complex, you should stop her before they've went to far.
We start by following a line. It is not the basic part of the class, but you could spend more time on it if you like. Based on your judgment you could skip the lesson for following a line with a switch block.
You would need a field for the class. It field is a line to follow. You could use some of the vinyl fields for line following or you could use tape. The good thing about today's robot program is that it is not influenced by the color outside of the line. The only thing that is required is a black like. There should be no sharp turns on the line as the Gyro sensor would detect them like an end of the line.
In the second task for line following of the line we assume that the robot has completed the first task by turning with one motor and with great power. This make the robot jiggle and makes it very difficult to detect the end of the line. In the second task students should make the smooth turns with both motors and to reduce the power.
What happens, when the robot is pushed our of the line? - Student must understand that when the robot is pushed out of the line, it is no longer jiggling to the left and right, but has sharply turned. They CHANGE could be detect with the new block for the Gyro Sensor. The key word they must here is "change".
After that you should explain the wait block to them. If you gather them all, you could also explain about the other new block - for stopping the program.
At the end the program finishes with detecting the end of the line like a big change in the degrees, starting of an alarm and stopping the program. The alarm could postpone a little the stop of the program, but it is important to inform the passengers on the yacht about the emergency.
You could find the solution to the task here:
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level D2. "Seafaring". Robotics with LEGO
The eighth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
In this level, students learn to use the fourth sensor in the robotics set - the gyro sensor. The robots are modeled after boats, yachts, and ships. With the help of the gyro sensor, students can set a course for their robots to a given angle and can detect deviations from the course. In open seas, there may be sea-monsters and the robots are being programmed to detect a sudden change in acceleration with the help of the said sensor.
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Lesson 4 - Yacht
Let's imagine we are billionaires. Every self respected billionaire must have a yacht . A robot yacht is exactly what we would now build.
The modern yachts are custom build for a luxury life. They could have a bathroom, bedroom with a nice view, living room, kitchen and even a room for play.
What would you like to have on the board of your yacht? Why?
All of this of course has a price. If we are slightly less rich billionaires we would take a yacht starting at about $200,000. And the price could go up indefinitely. There is a rumor that the most expensive yacht is for over $4,000,000,000 dollars. It was made with more than 100,000 tons of gold and platinum - two of the most expensive materials on earth. There are walls made from real tyrannosaur rex bones and diamonds each costing 45 million dollars. Luckily, we are also billionaires and we could afford all of this. We would leave up to you to decide if you need a wall full of tyrannosaur Rex bones.
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