At the beginning of the program the clam waits to be opened. When it feels someone is trying to open it, the shell starts closing until reaching the initial closed state and then stops moving. Most students will cope with this task very fast and will program the robot to close for seconds. Nevertheless, explain how the rotation sensor can also be used. Tell your students how much energy it takes to use a muscle for a longer time. The program is uploaded here. That is how the final program for the Clam robot should look like:

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- #1110
- 07 Jan 2019
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level D1. "Animals". Robotics with LEGO
This is the seventh level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
In this level students focus on the rotational sensor that is part of every motor in the robotics set.
Robot constructions imitate animals and their behavior. Students create programs that check whether the robot's claws or pecks have successfully caught an object. That sensor in the motors allows the robots to go back in their lairs even after the use of unlimited movement.
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Lesson 1 - Clam
In this lesson we will introduce another sensor. This sensor is very interesting as we have already used it many times without even realizing it. The robot we are going to build today resembles a clam. Have you ever seen clams? Have you seen live clams or only cooked ones? Or have you only seen shells?
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