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- #1129
- 08 Mar 2019
In today’s lesson students’ tables can be used as a field. Pay attention to the times students use in their calculations and prioritize the conditional loop tasks. Robots’ sensitivity will depend on the surface they move on. If the surface is soft, for example laminated floor, the robot will react better as vibrations are stronger. On a hard floor, such as stone or tiles, robots will have a poorer reaction.
Show your students how to solve the first task from the section Gyro Tasks and the task "Program the robot to wait for a 5% difference in the gyro rate reading and to play a sound with the same frequency as the measured rate for 0.1 seconds.".
An exemplary solution to the task "Program the robot to display the angle measured by the gyro sensor.":
An exemplary solution to the task "Program the robot to wait for a change in the acceleration of the gyro sensor and play a sound with frequency equal to 1000 plus 20 times the acceleration of the gyro sensor.":
An exemplary solution to the task "Program the robot to say "Hello" or "Goodbye" to guards, by adding a sound block before the Loop Interrupt Block.":
An exemplary solution to the task "Instead of the switch block, program the loop block to wait for 15 seconds.":
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Robotics with LEGO - Level 3.0 - Security systems
This is the fifth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in fifth to twelfth grades.
In this level students will learn how to work with data measured by the sensors. The concept of Algorithm is introduced and the programs perform calculations without knowing the values beforehand. The programming blocks transfer data between each other via data wires. The robots are designed to address the problems of security systems. Variety of alarm systems are built and the physical principles of different security methods are considered.
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Lesson 4 - Seismic sensor
In the following two lessons you will be the chief prison guard. Rumor has it that a gang of cake robbers is to be moved to your prison and they are planning to escape. In order to avoid a public scandal, the Mayor of the city has decided to invest in a new security system for the prison. Your job is to preserve the good name of your prison and protect the cakes in all pastry shops in the area.
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- 3d_rotation 1