Improving FLL Robot Game. Teacher Note. Introduction to task for Lifting
How should an instructor use this course when working with students and a group of students in school
- #436
- 06 Mar 2017
How should an instructor use this course when working with students and a group of students in school
Where should you lift the robot? Especially if you don`t have the mission model that we are using
Don't limit yourself to the box and think of different ways to lift the robot.
Remember the passive/active attachment separation that we are making at FLLCasts.com. This applies for all the attachments and in this Episode, we are looking at how to use a passive attachment.
Build a similar mechanism to this one. Similar, but for your robot. This is the task for you. Try, give yourself half and hour or even an hour.
How to align the wheels and how much should you push for this solution?
Build a rack and try to lift the robot with this rack.
The final way for lifting our box robot is by using a scissors mechanism. In this Episode, we would discuss the benefits and advantages of this mechanism.
Before moving forward here is the simple task of building the mechanism and extending the legs. Extend the legs to fifteen LEGO units.
In this tutorial, we would drive the scissors mechanism and there are a number of rules that we must follow
It this episode we would present you with our attachment for lifting the robot.
The most stressed wheel in our system is the driven wheel. We've already fixed the problem with the driving wheel of the scissor mechanism and now it is time to look at the drive LEGO Mindstorms wheel.
Construct two legs for both sides of the robot. The task for this video is to attach this two legs on both sides and to build a system of gears and axles that power those legs.
Here is our solution for preventing torsion and bending of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 axles.
Note for the teacher on making the construction more stable, more durable and using beams for this.
Let us do a quick recap of the whole lifting mission and its solution
We calculate the number of rotatios when a gear system is involved. The driving wheel will have to do a number of rotations for the driven wheel to rotate to a desired number of degrees. In our specific case when the driven gear wheel is rotate to about 90 degrees the legs will lift the robot.
Calculate the number of rotations you have to do with the motor to rotate the final small 8 teeth driving gear wheel to 1.25 rotations?
What should you do as a teacher when the students are calculating the gear ratios and number of needed rotations?
In the previous video, we found the correct answer for our task and it is 18.75, or is it?