Improving FLL Robot Game. Why Large 40 teeth gear wheels are not suitable for this base
There were a few problems with the 40 teeth gears that we were using. Let's list some of them
- #446
- 06 Mar 2017
There were a few problems with the 40 teeth gears that we were using. Let's list some of them
В EV3 софтуера за програмиране има Танк блокче за движение. То ни позволява да задаваме различни мощности на всеки мотор.
В живота подобно нещо се използва при автомобилите. Системите за управление на сцеплението с пътя (tracktion control) предават различна мощност към всяко колело на автомобила, така че колата да остане стабилна на пътя и да не поднася.
The M08. AEROBIC EXERCISE is one of the very common types of mission in FIRST LEGO League robotics competitions. I think this pattern of missions was first introduced with the growing abilities of the participating students that were constantly reaching the maximum number of points. So the competition introduced mission that require a lot of time - 20-30 seconds, are time consuming and are complex. They requires a lot of moves. This here is a video tutorial on how it could be accomplished
Building a rack is a very important skill during competitions. You should try to build one, learn how to use it and have it as a tool for you next robots. But for this particular BoxRobot, we will not continue with a rack.
In this tutorial we accomplish the Elevated places with the Whakatae - LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Competition Box robot mission. It is important to be able to go over the mission model and at the end with a simple mechanism we just push the mission model at the end
The most stressed wheel in our system is the driven wheel. We've already fixed the problem with the driving wheel of the scissor mechanism and now it is time to look at the drive LEGO Mindstorms wheel.
We are programming this strange construction to move in a square. This is a basic task, but it is worth doing for a robot with motors placed in different directions.
Think of an attachment that leaves the Gecko on the mission model. Don't use the robot attachment that we already have. Just the box robot and the gecko. Nothing should support the Gecko when it is hanged on the mission model.
In this tutorial, we add another mission to our current program. This mission is - hanging the Gecko from the FIRST LEGO League Animal Allies.
Ще разгледаме типичните причини защо роботът ви изобщо не иска да се движи.
Devi is a stubborn robot. No mater how many times you press the button, it will press the button last. It if you press again, it will press again. Sometimes it will rotate and speak, but will again press the button, and will continue pressing until the end of times.
This video tutorial contains a detailed explanation on how we accomplish the FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit mission called M08. AEROBIC EXERCISE. This again is a very interesting mission from the competition. We could learn a lot of basic principles in the field of robotics. This mission requires the robot do to something very fast and many times.
In the course section for Advance Sensor Calibration we previously showed you how to find the minimum and maximum value for a single LEGO Mindstorms Color Sensor and to store this value in an array. The program was implemented with the EV3-G software. In this tutorial we are going to find the Min and Max for all the four sensors and to store all the 8 values in an array.
In this video tutorial we would look at the mission run for M05. EXTRACTION. The mission is to collect and return to base a number of objects that are located on the field. Initially when I first saw the mission I thought it wold be quite challenging to accomplish it, but at the end it is not that difficult.
Use any blocks that you wish to solve the following task.
Преподавателят трябва да се старае да обогатява речника на учениците си при всеки удобен случай.
Съвети и често срещани грешки, когато трябва да свържете две греди.
Implement a program for stopping at a black line with the blocks containing the implementation details for the InitArray, Calibration and Getting the calibrated result.
Experiment with changing the orientation and direction of gear wheels. Here are part of the tasks that you should complete before moving forward with the course.
Here is the task for adding a beam on both sides of every gear wheel in your attachment.
Once you start turning how to do you a whole 180 degrees turn. The robot almost does it, but not completely
In the video we reach a conclusion. We have energy accumulated and to keep the system turning we need about 1J of energy each second to keep it turning.
The energy accumulated in the construction is about 2-3 Joules. In this first video we ask the question "How can we keep the energy in the system". How many Joules of energy should we input from the motor in order to keep the energy in the system.
Какво трябва да знае всеки преподавател, когато дава задачи на ученици.