Think of an attachment that leaves the Gecko on the mission model. Don't use the robot attachment that we already have. Just the box robot and the gecko. Nothing should support the Gecko when it is hanged on the mission model.
- #481
- 17 Apr 2017
- 1:50
- FIRST LEGO League, FIRST LEGO League 2016-2017 Animal Alias, Attachments, EV3, FLL 2016, Construction, FLL, Classes with students
Start close to the mission model. Move forward. Leave the Gecko. For leaving built an attachment. The simplest possible attachment that you could think of.
„Box“ робот 2 за състезания ЛЕГО Mindstorms
Инструкции за построяването на състезателен робот на принципа на “Box” робота. Този робот е построен с ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 и може да се използва на състезания като FLL и WRO.
The first thing that you should do is think of an attachment that leaves the Gekko on the mission model without using the attachment that we already have. So, just remove this.
Like this. And we have the simple Box Robot. Now, the mission is to bring the Gekko from the base and to leave it on the mission model. Like this. And nothing should be supporting the weight of the animal. If you don't have the mission model, if you are using a box for climbing with the robot, you can try to put the Gekko there. Or if you have built your own mission model, again, if you don't have the Gekko, because I would assume that you don't have it, you can just have something with a loop and a small attachment and it will serve the same purpose. Leave something somewhere to hang. Like this. Try to do it on your own by building an attachment for the Box Robot that can just solve this mission where you reach you don't program the robot for reaching you start from here then do move forward and leave the Gekko on the mission model. Of course, don't forget to send us pictures and videos of the attachment that you've built so that we can see it, return some feedback and share it with the other users at
Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок
Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.
FIRST LEGO League (FLL) 2016-2017 Animal Allies. Review of solutions with explanations
The course contains a number of sections with specific examples and tasks on how you could improve your FIRST LEGO League (FLL) robot game in order to achieve more points. It is designed mostly for after season teams that would like to prepare for next year, but could also work for teams that are currently working on their competition robots.
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- 118:45
- 15
Grouping tasks – first solve them on their own (Coming soon)
In this tutorial, we add another mission to our current program. This mission is - hanging the Gecko from the FIRST LEGO League Animal Allies.
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- 3d_rotation 0