FLL 2022: Rules for Power Plant M10 FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
Demand for energy is very high, and many different energy sources can be used to meet that demand.
Release the three energy units from the power plant.
- #2063
- 25 Aug 2022
This page shows all the robotics tutorials listed without specific grouping. Each tutorial is short, on specific topic, has a video. Tutorials are structured in sequence in Courses.
Demand for energy is very high, and many different energy sources can be used to meet that demand.
Release the three energy units from the power plant.
Helicopters can be used to transport cargo to areas that are difficult to reach. They are used to help others, bringing important packages like food.
Trains can transport cargo to many places. Keeping infrastructure like train tracks in good condition is important to ensure trains reach their destinations.
Transportation includes getting the correct cargo to the correct place. Sort your containers and deliver them to their destinations.
Having a package delivered to your doorstep is awesome! Packages can be transported safely, on time, and to your door.
This bridge can be raised and lowered to allow transport on both the river and the road. Lower the bridge decks to prepare for the trucks to pass.
Load cargo containers safely and efficiently
Connect cargo to all forms of transportation. Make as many connections as you can and transport your cargo by land, sea, or air to its destination!
The less often you interrupt the robot outside home, the more points you keep.
Truck platooning is the linking of two or more trucks in transport. This allows trucks to move efficiently, saving time, fuel, and money.
Unloading cargo is an important part of the journey. Planes are often just one of multiple forms of transportation used to deliver cargo containers to their destination.
Transporting cargo is a journey from beginning to end. Cargo often needs more than one form of transportation to complete the journey and reach a final destination.
Energy efficiency plays an important role in transportation. Switch your diesel engine for electric. You will save money while being environmentally friendly.
Accidents can cause many problems when transporting cargo. People could be hurt, cargo and machines could be damaged, or your cargo could be late.
Unloading cargo is an important part of the journey. Ships are often just one of multiple forms of transportation used to deliver cargo containers to their destination.
Identifying problems and creating or improving solutions are all very important when it comes to transportation. As the world changes, engineers, programmers, and builders continue to explore and solve the challenges we face, making life easier, safer, and better for everyone.
Shipping efficiency increases by filling the empty container with cargo before transporting it.
Transporting large items can lead to unexpected problems, like maneuvering around a chicken statue along the way. It is important to plan ahead so nothing is damaged and your cargo arrives safely.
The robot moves your Innovation Project onto the RePLAY logo or the gray area around the bench (M04).
The less often you interrupt the robot outside home, the more points you keep.
The robot collects health units from around the field and moves them to target areas.
Before the match, you hand select the machine’s lever setting. During the match, the robot moves the lever until the little yellow stopper falls.
The robot moves the free wheel out of the large circle and into the small target circle.
The robot spins the rollers to move the pointer as far clockwise as possible.
The robot flips the cell phone white side up.
The robot flips tires so their white centers face up and moves them into their large target circle.
Boccia is an interactive mission with the opposing team. Talk with the other team so the robots send matching colored cubes onto the opposite field.