Unused Capacity M02 FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Challenge

Shipping efficiency increases by filling the empty container with cargo before transporting it.

  • #1822
  • 23 Sep 2021


If the hinged container is completely closed:

  • Partly full of contents: 20
  • Completely full of contents: 30

Unused Capacity

“Partly full” requires 1-5 content pieces to be completely inside the closed hinged container.

“Completely full” requires all 6 content pieces to be completely inside the closed hinged container.


FLLCasts Tip

This is probably the easiest mission. The robot must go to the container and push it west out of the field. This way you will be able to fill it with the 6 parts required. Filling the container while the robot is within the field performing missions will save precious time.

Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Image for FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Connect solutions and review with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
  • 55
  • 181:18
  • 34
Image for M02. Deliver/Push - Unused Capacity
  • 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3d_rotation 3