To create a variable, it needs to have a name and a value that it stores within itself. The name of the variable can be any word, but when a program has many variables, it gets difficult to keep track of which variable does what. This is why it's good practice in programing to name variables according to what they do.

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- #1547
- 27 Feb 2020
How to write a variable name
The rule of naming variables is to have at least two words so that we know what is in the variable and why. The names of the variables are written with an underline separation to make it easier to read (the underline is similar to an empty space).
This variable naming standard is known as snake_case, since the words flow like snake vertebrae.
Let's look at an example of creating three variables with the names "motor_speed", "motor_time" and "waiting_time":
motor_speed = 100 motor_time = 200 waiting_time = 300
Where variables are created
VS-Code creates its programs with the comment "# Create your objects here.", This is in order to build a habit in programmers, to create their variables before their programs. The only thing that is written before the variables are the entered libraries that you will use in your code.
How to use variables
When we assign a numeric value to a variable, we can use its name instead of a number.
Let's look at an example in which we create and use the variable "motor_speed" to set the speed of the motors:
# Create your objects here. ev3 = EV3Brick() motor_speed = 500 # Write your program here. Motor(Port.B).run_time(motor_speed, 3000, Stop.COAST, False) Motor(Port.C).run_time(motor_speed, 3000, Stop.COAST)
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Python with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 - Level 1
The course introduces students to the programming language Python. We use LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robots. Python is a popular programming language. It could be used for introducing students to programming, for academic studies, for developing machine learning algorithms and as a general-purpose language.
During the course, students learn how to read and how to develop Python programs. They use an Integrated Development Environment called Visual Studio Code. Robots are programmed to perform interesting and funny tasks like "bringing you water". The level ends with competition on a playing field with boxes.
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Lesson 4 - Strange Bot
Today we will encounter a significant problem our engineers have had to face ever since a man has had to step on the Moon, namely sending robots to the Moon. When we add something to a rocket that has to reach the Moon, you can imagine how many things need to be carefully calculated.
From the position of the rocket to the center of mass, to the momentum of the rocket and many other things. This is why when scientists wish to send a robot to the moon, they have to make a lot of compromises with its construction.
After the deployment of Moon Rover 2 to the Moon, scientists began working on a robot to deploy with the next Moon Rover. For this purpose, the robot needs to fit into the remaining space on the rover. This space is not in a standard shape, so the robot will have to have an irregular shape as well.
The plan is for it to be mounted on to the Moon Rover and when the vehicle is deployed from the rocket, the robot will disengage and will maneuver away before the astronauts proceed to drive it.
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