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- #1415
- 08 Aug 2019
Today's construction is divided into 3 parts. Students should work together. Every team should construct their part as many times as the number of teams in the group - so that every team would have the particular part. Let your students build at the same time, instead of alternating.
In the images below is shown how to distribute the instructions, depending on the number of the students.
- If you have 1-2 students:
In this case we can not apply the method of serial production. Control the expectations of your students and explain to them that this is a big robot and it could take them a great amount of time to build it.
- If you have 3 students:
Divide students into two teams. The two students, who work together, construct the first and the second part of the robot twice, while the other team with one student constructs the third part twice. In this way every student would have constructed a part of the robot twice.
- If you have 4 students:
Divide students into two teams. The first team constructs twice the first part of the robot, while the second team constructs twice the second part of the robot. The third part is constructed by the two teams - each team construct it once.
- If you have 5-6 students:
Divide students into three teams. Each team constructs one part of the robot three times.
- If you have 7 students:
Divide students into 4 teams and then into 2 groups (2 teams in a group). Then apply the method for 4 and 3 students.
- If you have 8 students:
Divide students into 4 teams and then into 2 groups (2 teams in a group). Then apply the method for 4 students.
- If you have 10 students:
Divide students into 5 teams and then into 2 groups - one with 2 teams and the other with 3 teams. Then apply the method for 4 and 6 students.
- If you have more students, you should continue dividing them to teams of 3 up to 6 students. Try to Try to distribute them as evenly as possible.
An exemplary solution to the task "Program the medium motor to pull the brick up until the touch sensor is pressed" and "Repeat the above program in a loop".
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level B2. "Military Technologies". Robotics with LEGO
The firfth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in second, third or fourth grades.
The students build many robots with chain-treads. The Color Sensor is introduced and robots use it to recognize the colors of the objects around them. Students learn about gears, basic gear constructions, and their application. Robots now can stop on a black line and can follow a line using their sensor.
- 37
- 6:37
- 111

Lesson 7 - Catapult and Clutch
For students who will not take two levels in a row today is their last lesson.
- 5
- 4
- 8
- 3d_rotation 1