Balance is of utmost importance when we talk about constructions. In the case of cranes, balance is even more important. If a crane is not well-balanced, it may easily fall due to its weight and cause a lot of damage. Now, we will see how we can balance our crane.

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- #1012
- 09 Mar 2018
Before we start balancing our crane, we will explain an important term. In today’s lesson you will often come across the jib of the crane. The jib of the crane is a horizontal arm on the upper part of the crane where the hook or grabber of the crane is attached:
After you have constructed the crane, it will heavily lean to one side due the weight of the arm at the end of the jib:
This might damage the motors and the crane will most probably crash very quickly if you decide to use it. To avoid that, you should install a counterweight at the back side of the jib, just like in real cranes:
You can use other LEGO parts or tires as counterweights and attach them to the big grey frame. Choose the right amount of counterweights. If their number or weight are not enough, the crane might remain inclined:
If you attach too many, the crane will lean to the opposite side and will remain unstable:
The aim is to attach as many tires and LEGO parts as to make the jig of the crane horizontal:
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level C2. "Cooperation". Robotics with LEGO
The sixth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
For the first time two different robots are required to solve a challenge. Students learn how to cooperate and find a common approach to the challenges and how to distribute their roles. Various robots are built, even a crane that loads a truck. Students use two sensors at the same time so that they find their target and find out whether their partner-robot is ready with their part of the challenge.
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- 6:39
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Tasks for the Crane
Balance is of utmost importance when we talk about constructions. In the case of cranes, balance is even more important. If a crane is not well-balanced, it may easily fall due to its weight and cause a lot of damage. Now, we will see how we can balance our crane.
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Level C2. "Cooperation". Robotics with LEGO
The sixth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
For the first time two different robots are required to solve a challenge. Students learn how to cooperate and find a common approach to the challenges and how to distribute their roles. Various robots are built, even a crane that loads a truck. Students use two sensors at the same time so that they find their target and find out whether their partner-robot is ready with their part of the challenge.
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- 6:39
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Lesson 1 - Crane
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Crane robot is used to lift, move and load cargo on a cargo truck. There is a mechanism for grabbing a cargo load (eg a blue ball). Crone is also a tower crane and there are balancing wheels on the opposite site of the grabbing mechanism. It was an ultrasonic sensor.
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- 3d_rotation 1

Robotics with LEGO - Level 2.0 - Robots in Factories
The third level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students from fifth to twelfth grades.
Robots in this level use two or three sensors at a time and students create more complex programs for them. The work of the differential and its usage in vehicles with one drive motor is explored. Robots interact with each other and transfer information or material between themselves. Students learn in depth how to create smoother line-following programs. In the end of the workday, robots leave the conveyor belt and relax with a recreational game of volleyball.
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Lesson 1 - Crane
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Crane robot is used to lift, move and load cargo on a cargo truck. There is a mechanism for grabbing a cargo load (eg a blue ball). Crone is also a tower crane and there are balancing wheels on the opposite site of the grabbing mechanism. It was an ultrasonic sensor.
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- 3d_rotation 2