Wait block. Basic usage.
How to make the robot stay idle while the program is still running.
- #395
- 27 Apr 2017
How to make the robot stay idle while the program is still running.
This is one of the very interesting attachments by the ELM team. It is using rubber bands and some rubber to precisely drop the chicken. Very interesting way. Check it out and try to learn from it.
With the EV3 Mindstorms set you receive three motors. Two are large and one is medium. These three motors could be used in different configurations and in this video we show how to use the motors on the second box robot for competitions that we build.
We will cover three ways to transfer your program from the computer to the robot.
There is no block for programming the Ultrasonic Sensor in the retail version of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 software. In this video tutorial we will show you how you can download & import such blocks in order to use the sensor.
We have previously aligned to lines with the Color Sensors. In this series we are doing the same program, but with Ultrasonic Sensors that are aligning the robot to a Wall.
Here we continue examining FLL 2014 World Class missions. We show different ways, for putting the insert in place as well as taking the loop from the robotics arm. Some of them are quite specific, which reminds us, that you need to think out of the box, while solving the missions.
Where should you lift the robot? Especially if you don`t have the mission model that we are using
Previously we caught the Truck with two rubber bands. The next step was to lift it. For lifting we used the Medium LEGO Mindstorms EV3 motors. In this video we are extending the attachment so that we could catch also the Ambulance. In forth video we would explore how to release both vehicles after transporting them.
Building instructions for a Robot Grabber used in the World Robotics Olympiad competition runs. The grabber is build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3. The base of the robot is available at /materials/69-wro-robot-2014-elementary
Learn to program the Game of Life on the LEGO Mindstorms brick screen. This would require drawing on the brick screen, using blocks with switches and loops.
Let's build a robot with treads. These building instructions are for a Guard Tank Robot. The good thing about tanks is that they could tackle a lot of obstacles on their way. At least this is what people are saying. Try it. Could you move over LEGO parts with this tank if they are one brick tall, or two bricks tall? What would be the largest obstacle that you could find, over which this tank could still move? Share a video or picture below in the comments section.
We would admit that this tank lacks a gun or an arm, but it is up to you to build one.
A turtle robot with 2 sensors- ultrasonic and gyro, capable of following her course and navigating through anything. Just don't annoy it, or it will hide in its shell or even come and bite you.
These programs are examples of programs that complete the tasks from the third lesson of 3.0 course. The programs are designed for the Vauld Door Robot.
Uylam is a robot that simulates a stormy environment for its ship. It is made using two piston-like mechanisms powered by a Large motor and offset by 90 degrees to create shaking similar to that of big waves. The ship itself is made out of a medium motor on a turntable and a gyro sensor attached to them. The purpose of this is to explore what is the best position of a ship compared to the waves, so that it sustains the least amount of shaking.
In this video tutorial we would look at the mission run for M06. SPACE STATION MODULES. The missions is to precisely push a mission model into an opening. In almost any FIRST LEGO League competition there are such missions. The tutorial contains only the mission run on the field. We accomplish a single mission.
Building instructions for the transportation stands mission models. The models are used in the Precise driving mission of FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019.
Yolanda comes from the novel "Yolanda, the Black Corsair's Daughter" by Emilio Salgari.
The robot resembles a sailship with two masts. The mast in the back is connected to a medium motor, which allows it to rotate with some limits. The mast also has a gyro sensor in the back. These are placed so that the gyro sensor detects which way "the wind is blowing" and moves the sails that way. The second mast is connected to the first one so that it moves accordingly. The robot also uses two large motors to move.
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M07 mission with the Dominator robot. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial.