EV3 Phi. Details about LEGO Mindstorms robot constructions
Overview of what is going to happen in module 3
- #344
- 22 Jan 2017
EV3 is a robotics sets from LEGO Mindstorms. With EV3 you could build an infinite number of robots like Vehicles, Animals and Tanks. The set comes in two parts - base set (45544) and a resource set (45560). EV3 robots are very popular at LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Competitions
Overview of what is going to happen in module 3
Each palette contains programming blocks that share common purpose. We will cover most of them
Third, and last video of this series on how to use ONE attachment to solve the FLL 2014 World Class missions.
Using Display, Sound, Wait and Move blocks together.
In this last part of the tutorial we actually lift the rocket modules and prepare them for lauch. First we have to collect them in the right order and them somehow lift them.
How to make the robot stay idle while the program is still running.
We will demonstrate the common mistakes students make when building a robot.
Let's review the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Intelligent Brick
The EV3 brick is the main computer of your LEGO robot and it has a display, a few buttons and various ports.
Explanation and demonstration of the big task for the lesson.
The Department of "throwing" is ruled by rubber bands. Impulsive power release in a short amount of time. In this video we are building an attachment that throws a ball and accomplishes the FIRST LEGO League 2012 bowling competition.
In this episode we continue from Episode 55 and we improve the durability and stability of the attachment for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot. Many times attachments are not very stable which results in gaps between parts. The goal of the video is to give basic construction ideas.
Tasks for school STEM classes or home exersie. Try to solve them to submit your solutions below.
We explore some common mistakes when a program is developed and becomes complex. We then try to remove part of this complexity.
The most universal way to start your programs is from My Projects menu and we will cover details about that menu in the EV3 Brick.
Tasks for STEM classroom and home exercise to get you used to using the LEGO Mindstorms Touch sensor. Solve them, build a program, record a video and upload your solutions below.
How to use the robot when the buttons are not accessible.
In this episode we will show you how to build the FiveMinuteBot. We will make a quick overview of this Mindstorm Robot.
Now we will create the first program in this course and we will make the robot move forward.
Specific challenge on programming the robot to move as a Yo-Yo
Using a number of axles, beams and rubber bands we collect many loops at once. This is an important part of every competition, mostly of the FIRST LEGO League.
Follow an object using the LEGO Mindstorms Ultrasonic Sensor. Object moves away, the robot moves with the object. The program is very useful if you are doing STEM classes and you want to demonstrate results. People react very well to a robot following you like a dog for example.