Teacher's Notes: Orientation with force sensor Pro Preview

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  • #2052
  • 01 Aug 2022

In this lesson, the robot uses a force sensor to orientate itself about its surroundings. You must play the game of "Blind Man's Buff" with the students so they understand how the force sensor works and why it is necessary for the robot.

The program is pretty easy because the point of this lesson is for all the students to do well as it is the last lesson in this course. The students might have a hard time with the first task with the turn, but the duration and direction of the turn don't matter, so you can leave them to decide for themselves. Any values from 90 to 180 degrees are good for the turn, but we introduce degrees in the next course, and that's why we don't teach it here. In the end, the program should look like this:

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Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Image for Level A1 - Space Adventure - Robotics with LEGO SPIKE Prime
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  • 30:30
  • 76
Image for Lesson 7 - Spacecrash
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  • 4
  • 6
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