How to use the set movement speed to block in SPIKE Prime Word Blocks software Pro Preview

Have you ever wanted your robot to move as fast as possible? Or slower? Here's how!

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  • #2025
  • 01 Jul 2022

The set movement speed block is the sixth block from the Movement palette.

content picture

It has one setting and that is the speed change in percentage. This means that at 100% the robot moves the fastest, and at 0% it does not move.

Be careful! When moving at high speed, the robot often becomes inaccurate and turns to a random direction at the beginning of the movement. To prevent this, use a lower speed for higher accuracy.

Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Image for Level A1 - Space Adventure - Robotics with LEGO SPIKE Prime
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Image for Lesson 3 - Satellite
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