How to use the controller display turn on block with SPIKE Prime Word Blocks software Pro Preview

This is how we can draw whatever we want on our robot's hub display!

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  • #2027
  • 01 Jul 2022

This is the second block of the Light section. It allows us to draw something in the 5x5 pixel matrix of the controller display.

content picture

The block has one setting we care about, and it looks like this:

content picture

In the menu that opens, the display pixels are indicated by the orange arrow, and we can draw by clicking on the pixels we want to color. At the bottom, there are two settings to light up and dim the entire display.

To the side, shown by the blue arrow, is a brightness setting. If you want dimmer pixels, you can lower the slider and raise it for brighter pixels.

While the robot is connected to the computer and the program is not stopped, the changes in the program image are also visible on the controller on the table in front of you. This allows us to experiment very easily!

Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

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