EV3 basics course. Gyro Sensor. Non-intuitive, but logical. Turn back (part 3)
Let's explain the problem of just waiting for the Gyro sensor to detect an angle and think of why the robotics systems work like that.
- #156
- 01 Jan 2017
Let's explain the problem of just waiting for the Gyro sensor to detect an angle and think of why the robotics systems work like that.
In this video I am building the five minute robot from LEGO Mindstorms and I am doing a short introduction on how to make the robot move forward and turn around. Throught this series I will be using mostly NXT-G as a programming environment.
If you look at the properties of the move block and the motor block LEGO Mindstorms NXT, you will see that they have much in common. Still they have several differences. You should be aware of these differences in order to choose the appropriate block for your needs.
The robot detects an object. After the object is remove we want to make the LEGO robot move forward.
This video lesson is a revised version of Episode #1. Matt Gipson requested it in a comment. Using the EV3-G software we have developed a very simple program for following a line with two LEGO MINDSTORMS color/light sensors.
Robotics Game of Life – that’s the name of our new scientific journey. We are organizing a 14-sessions course (1 session weekly). The idea of the course is to develop a solution to the Conway Game of Life where the robots would actually play the game. Students will construct the robots by instructions and lots of imagination. Initial programs will be provided by us and modified by students.
In this episode we do a full run of the mission for collecting a single treasure before going into explanation on how we have programmed the robot.
To control the VEX Cortex controller we must use a software. In this episode we would download the software from the VEX site. Strange thing is that you must select your region correctly even if you are not in this region
In this tutorial, we would build a simple program for controlling the Tetrix robot motors with the GamePads. We use the stick and when the stick is pushed forward the motors move forward. When it is pushed backwards the robot moves backwards.
In this tutorial, we would implement a program that finds the minimum and maximum value detected by the sensor and stores this two values in an array.
Program developed with EV3-G for stop and Move with the Ultrasonic Sensor
This is an example program for tug of war with two touch sensors. The game can be played with almost any robot, so we used: https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/265-five-minute-bot, because it is the simplest. You have to attach two touch sensors at ports 1 and 4, preferably with long cables. You can also add a color sensor to port 3, which will detect when to end the game, although this is not required. The game is simple, two human players click the touch sensors as fast as they can. The robot moves in the direction of the one that clicks the fastest and the goal is to bring it to your finish line.
The program teaches about counters and flags. A big part of it is the good names of variables and loops and the addition to plenty of comments, from which students can learn how to form their program.
This program is developed with LEGO Education SPIKE App Word Blocks and is used to accomplish a Power Switch mission model with a reusable geared attachment placed on Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions.
LEGO Education SPIKE App Python program used to accomplish the Bowling mission with a Throw attachments placed on Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions.
In this video tutorial we start with the basic of the basic, eg. how to move. We use the block from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Word Blocks software. It is based on Scratch. The goal of the tutorial is to demonstrate how we can move and to teach something very important - the robot moves inaccurately