Box Robot Three With Large NXT Wheels
This robot was built by your request. It includes NXT large wheels. The Large LEGOO Mindstorms wheels will give you a faster robot, but be careful, because it will not be that accurate.
- #341
- 28 Aug 2017
- 1
This robot was built by your request. It includes NXT large wheels. The Large LEGOO Mindstorms wheels will give you a faster robot, but be careful, because it will not be that accurate.
The NXT Competition robot was the first competition robot we designed. For most of the part in 2011-2012-2013 it was working really great. Than EV3 was released
Building instruction for both EV3 and NXT. The whole catapult is build in exactly 78 steps.
The central axle of the robot is most of the time the most important. The robot moves forward and does things with this axle. It is important to learn to you could extend such axles, and change the level and position of the extensions.
This is a LEGO Mindstorms EV3/NXT robot attachment.
This robot attachment shows you how to limit the rotation of a lever. It uses two gear wheels to transfer the motion on 90 degrees.
It could be built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT versions. Most of the time during competitions like FIRST LEGO League and World Robotics Olympiad you need a lever for just a limited motion
Robot attachment that shows you how a circular motion could be transferred to linear by using a gear and a rack. The final motion is for pushing and pulling things.
The attachment could be built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT parts.
Attachment used to transfer the motion from the motor from a vertical axle to a horizontal axle. Uses two gear wheels. Could be built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and LEGO Mindstorms NXT kits.
Instructions for building the five minutebot used in the tutorial.
Classical third wheel for LEGO Mindstorms robots. This construction comes from the NXT world and the wheel is available in the NXT set.
In all building instructions for LEGO robots it is important to have the motors attached to the brick in more than one place. In the following construction, there is a beam connecting the two motors which has exactly this purpose. It makes the construction much more stable. Try removing this beam for example and see what will happen. Would the robot be able to move?
Many different types of wheels could be used. Both NXT and EV3 or from other LEGO technic series.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot base. The attachment of the motors is quite interesting. We follow the angles of LEGO technic to attach them. This construction has some difficulties turning to the left and to the right. But if you have to take on an obstacle that high this is one of the options.
You can use all kinds of wheels on this robot - EV3, NXT or others. It doesn't actually matter.
It sparks. It's sparkling. Well, the goal of this LEGO Mindstorms building instruction is to spark the imagination when the base of the construction is very simple. Just two motors with the brick above them and one of the most classic ways to attach them together - with angled beams.
The construction could use EV3 or NXT wheels, so chose wisely. As a robot chassis base, it is suitable for all kinds of extensions. An interesting thing is the motors are attached to each other with a frame which is getting very popular in the EV3 world.
"Bot. Spy Bot."
Many of us are fascinated by the idea of spies. Movies for "spies" are also very popular and if you haven't watched them check out the 007 movies. These here are building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms robot with two touch sensors and one ultrasonic. It could be used as a spy - sneaking closer to you and detecting if you move or if you touch it. The whole idea for this robot came from NXT when there were sound sensors. Currently, there are no sound sensors in the EV3 set, but the robot could again be quite fun to program.
This robot is a veriation of the Spark Bot without steering wheel.
The goal of this LEGO Mindstorms building instruction is to spark the imagination when the base of the construction is very simple. Just two motors with the brick above them and one of the most classic ways to attach them together - with angled beams.
The construction could use EV3 or NXT wheels, so chose wisely. As a robot chassis base, it is suitable for all kinds of extensions. An interesting thing is the motors are attached to each other with a frame which is getting very popular in the EV3 world.
We experimented with building a box robot powered entirely by chains—a unique approach inspired by the original LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Robots. Chains like these can be hard to find, but we thought: why not try to power both the robot and its attachments with them? This design not only powers the entire robot but also provides a great demonstration of how and when chains can be effectively used in robotics.
To build this robot, you'll need approximately 180 chain links (part 3711a), which are available in the NXT kits and some Technic sets.
Please note that this robot requires additional components beyond those included in the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime and SPIKE Essential kits. Check out the additional parts required.