Model to be used for color code
Building instructions for constructing a simple LEGO Model that has red, green, blue and yellow beams. This makes it perfect for operating robots through color code.
- #463
- 30 Mar 2018
Building instructions for constructing a simple LEGO Model that has red, green, blue and yellow beams. This makes it perfect for operating robots through color code.
Tohuru, from Maori, means owl.
Tohuru is a SPIKE Prime robot, that holds onto an edge and looks at the nearest object! It uses two medium motors to grip an edge between two wheels. In addition it has a head made out of an ultrasonic sensor, attached to a large motor, which allows it to turn 360 degrees! And most importantly, it looks like an Owl!
Gen comes from Gendema, a bulgarian late 80s rock band, popular with its song about pedalos.
The robot uses two EV3 Large motors to move, but instead of wheels it uses four-legged paddles, attached to the motors. This makes it look like a pedalo. Additionally it slides on the ground much like a real pedalo on the water.
Because of the strange mechanism of movement, the robot has a gyro sensor to help it keep a straight line.
The GorillaBot walks on its two arms, using two large motors as forearms. It also has this awesome head, which actually is pretty useless as an ultrasonic sensor, unless you lift its eyebrows.
"You need to step on three points to be stable". This is something you could directly see after building this marvellous, 270+ steps, extremely interesting Motorcycle with a side cart. Yes, we are proud of it. The robot is suitable for using it at home. The instructions for building it contain more than 270+ steps so it is a test for endurance, concentration, passion. The same way driving a motorcycle is.
Or you could just step into the cart, drive along and enjoy the view while someone else is building the robot. Like a sibling or a parent.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motorcycles, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
This module is meant to be used in EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game and is attached to the base of the robot. This module uses the gyro sensor to detect when it is hit, by observing the angular rate.
Instructions for building a LEGO truck. We use a medium motor for steering and a large motor for driving one of the rear wheels.
This module is meant to be used in EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game and is attached to the base of the robot. This module uses the rotary sensor, embedded in every motor, to detect when the player has pulled the lever.
Building instructions for a simple car using an EV3 Large motor for turning the front wheels and EV3 medium motor with differential for driving the rear wheels.
Uylam is a robot that simulates a stormy environment for its ship. It is made using two piston-like mechanisms powered by a Large motor and offset by 90 degrees to create shaking similar to that of big waves. The ship itself is made out of a medium motor on a turntable and a gyro sensor attached to them. The purpose of this is to explore what is the best position of a ship compared to the waves, so that it sustains the least amount of shaking.
Building instructions for LEGO EV3 catching robot. It uses a medium motor to drive system of gears, which is used for catching objects. It, also, has an ultrasonic and colour sensors for detecting the objects.
Cápa means shark in Hungarian.
The robot resembles a live hammershark. It uses a medium motor to move its tail, which is used for the shark to turn. It moves forward with a large motor and two tyres. Its jaws open and close with a second large motor. The two touch sensors at the front are purely for aesthetics but you can use them if you like. Finally the head has an ultrasonic sensor which detects if something is a potential "prey". This resembles the real hammer sharks' ability to sense with their "hammer".
It moves and it collects. It collects objects.
These are building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms robot that could collect objects. It is not actually catching them and that's why we call it "Simple Catch Bot". The general case is to program it to move on the floor and collect some of the Mindstorms wheels and tires coming with the 45544, 45560 or 31313 LEGO sets.
The kinesthetic and memory game works with a program you can download from here. In these instructions you will see the 7 modules from which it is built:
This robot is meant to be very modular and to enable its owner to upgrade it and modify it.
"Bot. Spy Bot."
Many of us are fascinated by the idea of spies. Movies for "spies" are also very popular and if you haven't watched them check out the 007 movies. These here are building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms robot with two touch sensors and one ultrasonic. It could be used as a spy - sneaking closer to you and detecting if you move or if you touch it. The whole idea for this robot came from NXT when there were sound sensors. Currently, there are no sound sensors in the EV3 set, but the robot could again be quite fun to program.
The robot uses two Large Mindstorms EV3 Motors to open and close its shell. On the top of the shell are used four hoses, that can be reshaped to form different shell styles. It also uses two black bent beams for eyebrows, that can be moved to change the expression of the clam. A Castor Ball is used to represent its pearl.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Motorcycle, but this time with helper wheels. The helper wheels solve the problem of making turns with the robot. If the robot loses balance it will fall. The goal of the helper wheels is to make it easier for the robot to turn. Small modification, but really make a difference.
This module is meant to be used in EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game and is attached to the base of the robot. This module uses the ultrasonic sensor to detect the hands of the player. Attention must be paid to where the module is attached since it can be activated by accident if the player reaches for another module over this one.
This module is meant to be used in EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game and is attached to the base of the robot. This module uses the rotation sensor in the medium motor to detect how much the players had turned its wheel.