Launcher, built with LEGO WeDo 2.0
These are building instructions for the Lauchner, built with LEGO WeDo 2.0
- #768
- 15 Jun 2019
These are building instructions for the Lauchner, built with LEGO WeDo 2.0
A phone holder that rings an alarm when the phone is picked up. It is a plate, lying on a rubber wheel, that changes its height, based on the weight of the object placed on top. The color sensor detects these changes and rings the alarm. With some fine tuning, this robot can even act as a weighing machine.
These are modules for you to create your own robot that sorts plastic trash as used in C2. The two modules are not connected anywhere, they are just placed together so you have an easier time imagining the robot.
There are so many ways to attach the motor to a Mindstorms Brick. We haven't counted them, but we sure like to experiment with them. This is one way. Not the perfect, not very stable sometimes, but you could also learn from prototypes and "mistakes". And the LEGO brick is on the same level as the motors. Follow the building constructions and have the motors attached to the sides of this Mindstorms Base construction.
Larvy is a SPIKE Prime robot, that moves like a larva or caterpillar. The robot has a Large motor, that contracts and expands it! Using the two medium motors, it turns 4 tyres to their side and upright whenever it wants, so that it can move forward!
A program for the robot can be found here: Program for Larvy - LEGO SPIKE Prime robot
These are building instructions for LEGO WeDo 2.0 Forklift.
Instructions for building a LEGO truck. We use a medium motor for steering and a large motor for driving one of the rear wheels.
These are building instructions for a 4x4 LEGO WeDo 2.0 vehicle
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot where the motors are placed in an unusual manner. They are vertically placed on the sides. This robot construction base is very convenient for a quick and interesting robot on which you could build.
This is a LEGO Mindstorms Boxing robot. The inspiration story goes like this "One day we though - Let's play SUMO at this robotics demonstration, but let's make it more interesting. Let's play sumo with Humanoid Robots". We decided to build a boxing robot. The goal of the robot is to press the touch sensor on the other robot and it could be very fun. Perfect robot for demonstration. It is controlled by a joystick using the Bluetooth connection.
Here are the joystick and the programs for the joystick and the robots.
Building instructions for a safe mechanism. The medium motor can be used for dialing in the key lock. The brick buttons can also be used for a pin code input.
One of the large motors unlocks the latch, the other one opens up the lid of the safe.
Space stations allow us to learn about and even practice living in space, but improved technology and new international partners require modules to be easily interchangeable.
The robot needs to remove and insert modules among the habitation hub’s portholes.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Tohuru, from Maori, means owl.
Tohuru is a SPIKE Prime robot, that holds onto an edge and looks at the nearest object! It uses two medium motors to grip an edge between two wheels. In addition it has a head made out of an ultrasonic sensor, attached to a large motor, which allows it to turn 360 degrees! And most importantly, it looks like an Owl!
These are building instructions for a LEGO WeDo 2.0 Small Creatuer
This LEGO Mindstorms robot base is small, compact and packed in a very small volume. The goal of this constructions is to be used as a base and to show yet another way to experiment with adding motors to the brick.
"You need to step on three points to be stable". This is something you could directly see after building this marvellous, 270+ steps, extremely interesting Motorcycle with a side cart. Yes, we are proud of it. The robot is suitable for using it at home. The instructions for building it contain more than 270+ steps so it is a test for endurance, concentration, passion. The same way driving a motorcycle is.
Or you could just step into the cart, drive along and enjoy the view while someone else is building the robot. Like a sibling or a parent.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motorcycles, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
This robot is for learning at home when you have time and energy. It is like having a motorcycle on your own - you spend a lot of time working on your motorcycle, you love it, it takes care, it takes patience. This robot has 300 steps in the building instructions. We've heard a lot of parents with students telling stories how their student could build anything from LEGO on their own. This motorcycle with a cart surely would be a challenge for them. Send us pictures when they are done.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motorcycles, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
Maze Runners are one of the very popular robotics competitions. But there are a lot of limits that the robots must comply with. Like the size of the robot.
This here are building instructions for a very small maze runner robot, build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3. It uses two tires that are technic and not Mindstorms simply because none of the Mindstorms tires fit the size limit.
The robot has an Ultrasonic sensor and a Gyro sensor at the top.
Instructions for building a LEGO truck. We use a medium motor for steering and a large motor for driving one of the rear wheels.