Improving FLL Robot Game. Teacher Note. Places you could lift your robot onto.
How to organize the different robots and group of students when working on lifting the robot.
- #438
- 06 Mar 2017
How to organize the different robots and group of students when working on lifting the robot.
Днес ще ви запознаем с имената и употребата на частите в един стандартен робот.
Важно: Различаваме и разделяме частите по форма не по цвят.
Ще ви покажем какви са типичните проблеми, които правят учениците, когато строят робот.
In this video tutorial we would discuss the M13. OBSERVATORY mission from the FIRST LEGO League robotics competition 2018-2019 Into Orbit. This is an easy mission. You can accomplish it by pushing the level with the robot. The challenge is that there is not enough space to move with the robot around the attachment. Let's discuss how we could achieve it.
After we take each sample, we perform calculations and these calculations could take different time. It is important to know how much time does it take to perform the calculations. In this video tutorial, we would data log the time and plot the data.
Когато строите по инструкции, има някои често допускани грешки.
This second way of positioning the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 motors on the robot leaves more space for the Mindstorms brick and for attaching a third motor. We are experimenting and showing the advantages and disadvantages of this particular construction.
Overview of what is going to happen in module 3
We are showing the first way we could position the motors on the robot construction. This seems to be challenging for many robot builders and that's why we are going to do it in a few different ways in the next few video tutorials from the series.
Нарочно откачете един от кабелите и наблюдавайте, какво ще направи робота.
This video lesson shows a very interesting specific example on how to use the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor. The sensor detects if the catapult is loaded or if we have just fired an element. At the end of the lesson I also offer an interesting challenge that you could use in your classroom or at home.
Let's implement a more advanced program for this robot to learn how to use with motors in opposite directions - and this is to implement the Proportional Line Following algorithm.
We would see how both satellites work together on the World Robotics Olympiad competition. They must both follow different orbits and must cooperate for the mission to be accomplished.
Време е да програмираме робота. Стъпките, които ще разгледаме, са как се пуска софтуера за програмиране, как се пише програма и как тя се зарежда в робота.
След като вече изпробвахте и се справихте с предизвикателство, включващо поредица от инструкции, искаме да ви представим някои добри практики.
Connect the attachment to the box robot and find the correct number of rotations of the middle motor that would bring the robot up and forward and would attach it to the mission model.
Ще ви покажем три възможни начина как да прехвърлите програмата си от компютъра в робота.
Когато работите с ученици е важно да предадете очакванията си от тях в самото начало на курс.
Remember the passive/active attachment separation that we are making at FLLCasts.com. This applies for all the attachments and in this Episode, we are looking at how to use a passive attachment.
Задачата е да програмирате робота да се движи напред и назад с все по-малки разстояния.
One of the students' favorite LEGO Mindstorms robots. Have fun with Iqazator, moving over all kinds of obstacles as a real millitary tank machine.
In this video tutorial we would look at the mission run for M06. SPACE STATION MODULES. The missions is to precisely push a mission model into an opening. In almost any FIRST LEGO League competition there are such missions. The tutorial contains only the mission run on the field. We accomplish a single mission.
Vision is still one of the very few fields where a human being could outsmart a computer. Still. Colour/Light sensors are the cornerstones of implementing a smart LEGO Mindstorms robot that could at least partially do "vision". In this video tutorial, we are using the robotics sensor to detect loading and unloading of the catapult.
Нещата, за които да внимавате като преподавател, докато учениците строят роботите си по инструкции.
The robot works on the field and decodes the different colours that represent the rows and the columns.
Сега ще направите първата си програма в курс и ще накарате робота да се движи напред.