Content for Gears
NXT-G program
NXT-G program for running the Catapult robot build from the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics set
- #v1idsq
- 18 Jan 2015
EV3-G Program for the Motor and Touch Sensor of the LEGO Catapult
This is an LEGO Mindstorms EV3-G program for the motor and touch sensor that we use for the LEGO Catapult
- #wmgkpn
- 25 Jan 2015
LEGO Catapult EV3-G program
- #6jfupy
- 25 Jan 2015
Collecting object program
- #obrakw
- 27 Mar 2016

FLL 2017: How to accomplish Hydrodynamics Fountain (07th), Faucet (18) and Slingshot (17th)
The after season review continues. No. We are not publishing a single solution for the next season before it is over, but let's learn from the previous season. The current tutorial is about three missions at once on a single run with the robot. Most FIRST LEGO League teams try to accomplish one-two missions on a single run out of the base, and three is really what makes the difference
- #931
- 09 Aug 2018

ЛЕГО Съединител
Съединителят е механично устройство, което предава или не предава въртеливо движение. Днес ще видим как можем да конструираме такъв елемент, като използваме ЛЕГО.
- #908
- 30 Jul 2018

BigDaddy Second Motors Position - second way to position the LEGO Mindstorms motors
Building instructions for this part of the BigDaddy competition robot
- #190
- 22 Mar 2015
- 1

BigDaddy Motors Position - first way to position them
You can position the motors on the construction in a number of different ways. We are exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. These are building instructions for the first way to position the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 motors.
- #210
- 15 Mar 2015

Rack attachment for lifting built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
This construction demonstrates one way of using а rack with a gear wheel. It allows to turn circular motion in to a liniar one.
- #638
- 01 Feb 2019
- 4

FLL 2018: Accomplish every time. M07 Space Walk Emergency. 10 out of 10 successful runs
This video tutorial is part of the series on how to make your robot 100% precise and accurate. We accomplish the Emergency Walk mission 10 out of 10 times. The attachment works. Every time the attachment is started in successfully accomplishes the mission and this is one of the most difficult missions on FIRST LEGO League competitions ever.
- #1280
- 18 May 2019

Attachments Frame for SUV Box Robot
This is a frame for the SUV Box Robot. Tis frame is an adapter between the robot and the attachments. You can add-in several attachments on it and mount them on the robot simultaneously with one movement.
The frame has two locks that make the attachments stick to the robot. Also the front Knobs must not be used for very powerful activities due to jumpings, unless the frame with attachments become heavy enough to prevent any jumping of the frame.
- #562
- 26 Oct 2018

Attachments For The SUV Box Robots Frame
Here is an example of Four(4) active LEGO Mindstorms attachments built-in the frame. Two by two they work asynchronously since all of them are connected to the two separate middle motors of the SUV robot via the frame.
The left attachments work synchronously, and the right attachments are also synchronized couple.
These specific attachments are meant to do nothing in particular, but to serve as an example. Their purpose is to demonstrate different ways in which one could add an attachments to the frame. Experiment. Think and invent better frame with real world attachments that could actually do efficient work and accomplish a mission. Take a video then and share it with us.
- #563
- 29 Oct 2018

Франческо 2- Проста ЛЕГО EV3 количка със задно задвижване и диференциал
Франческо 2 е вдъхновен от робота Франческо.
Инструкции за конструиране на проста LEGO количка, използваща голям мотор за завъртането на предните колела и среден мотор с диференциал за задвижване на задните колела. За разлика от оригиналния Франческо, Франческо 2 има предвидена позиция за заключващ механизъм на диференциала му.
- #861
- 05 Aug 2019

Ларви - ЛЕГО СПАЙК Прайм робот ларва
Ларви е СПАЙК Прайм робот, който се движи като ларва или гъсеница. Роботът използва голям мотор, за да се свива и разпъва! С двата средни мотора, робота завърта 4 гуми по лице и изправени, когато трябва, за да може да се движи напред!
Можете да намерите програма за робота тук: Програма за Ларви - ЛЕГО СПАЙК Прайм робот
- #988
- 21 Jul 2020

Swing game - LEGO SPIKE Prime robot
Swing game is a SPIKE Prime robot that is a game played by two people. The goal of the game is for both LEGO people to reach the center of the swing, without it tipping over on either side. The LEGO poeple are placed on motors, connected to two technic gear racks, that move along the swing. The motors are moved by two controllers, one using a color sensor and one using a Large motor. If one of the LEGO people moves too far without the other doing the same, the swing will tip and game over! Good luck and have fun!
- #1047
- 24 Jul 2020
Program for Swing Game - LEGO SPIKE Prime robot
This program makes Swing game - LEGO SPIKE Prime robot move the two people according to the input from the controllers!
The color sensor controller uses the colors on the plate above it to determine how to move the LEGO person. If the color is blue, it moves forward, if its purple, it moves backwards, otherwise - it stops!
The motor controller has a similar program, if it has turned more than 30 degrees forward, the LEGO person moves forward, if it has turned more than 30 degrees backward, the LEGO person moves backward, otherwise - it stops.
The goal of the game is for both LEGO people to reach the center, without the swing tipping to either side! Good luck and have fun!
- #q3ih0s
- 24 Jul 2020

Calix - LEGO SPIKE Prime carrying robot
- #1058
- 04 Aug 2020

Whakatae - LEGO Education SPIKE Prime box robot
This incredibly compact SPIKE Prime Box Robot is designed for competitions such as the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) and World Robot Olympiad (WRO). Named Whakatae, derived from the Māori word "whakataetae," meaning "competitive," this robot measures 17 LEGO units in length and 15 LEGO units in width. It features two color sensors in front of the wheels for precise alignment, two large motors for movement, and two medium motors for attachments.
The best part? You can build this SPIKE Prime Box Robot using just the Base Set, an additional large motor, and a color sensor!
- #1049
- 27 Jul 2020