EV3 лесен бот версия 2
Това е вторият вариант на EV3 лесен бот. Този робот се използва в началото на курса на обучение на учениците. Инструкциите са лесни за следване и дори начинаещи ученици се справят с конструкцията.
- #337
- 16 Aug 2017
Това е вторият вариант на EV3 лесен бот. Този робот се използва в началото на курса на обучение на учениците. Инструкциите са лесни за следване и дори начинаещи ученици се справят с конструкцията.
Инструкции за вероятно най-обикновения ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 мотоциклет, за който можете да се сетите. Сещате ли се за по-прост вариант? Постройте го и ни го изпратете.
Този мотоциклет има един голям и един среден мотор. Завиването е трудно, но ще опитаме да намерим решение на този проблем. Разбира се, има и други по-сложни мотоциклети, които бихте могли да построите. Като тези, например:
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms Base Chassis with a reversible motor
Note: This robot contains wheels that are from the NXT set.
This attachment is accomplishing two missions and partly two more missions from the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024. It is for the Chain Monster Robot. It solves mission 6 - Music concert lights and sounds and mission 7 - Hologram Performance. It partially solves mission 14 - Audience delivery and mission 15 - Expert delivery by delivering Noah the Sound Engineer to the Music Concert area.
Инструкции за строене на ЛесенБот, робот направен с LEGO Mindstorms комплект, който се използва в нашите уроци. ЛесенБот има два двигателя и две гуми. Третото му колелце... вижте сами как е построено третото му колело.
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment uses rubber parts to compensate for the lack of precision in positioning the robot near the mission model. That was needed since at the time that this attachment was used, the robot had moved a long distance since its last aligning at a wall or other mission models.
Attachment frames are used on Base Robot Chassis to make it easier to add and remove attachments very fast. This frame is for the Box Robot 1. It is a single module build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts and it could handle attachment on all sides.
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
This is a frame for the SUV Box Robot. Tis frame is an adapter between the robot and the attachments. You can add-in several attachments on it and mount them on the robot simultaneously with one movement.
The frame has two locks that make the attachments stick to the robot. Also the front Knobs must not be used for very powerful activities due to jumpings, unless the frame with attachments become heavy enough to prevent any jumping of the frame.
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
This modification of the box robot contains large wheels. It was specially requested by you and we have it .
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
Рамка за добавянето на приставки към робота. Когато използвате приставка, добавянето и свалянето на приставки без пинове става много бързо и лесно. Също така може да махнете и цялата рамка.
В рамката са използвани части от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3.
This incredibly compact SPIKE Prime Box Robot is made for competitions like FIRST LEGO League (FLL) and World Robotics Olympiad (WRO). Whakatae (from Maori's word "whakataetae", which means "competitive") is long 17 LEGO units and is with a width of 15 LEGO units. In front of the wheels it has two color sensors which it uses to align. Whakatae also has two Large motors for moving and has two medium motors for attachments!
It's has "V2" in its name, because it's the second version of Whakatae - LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Competition Box robot. The difference between the two is that the first one can be built with only a Large Motor and a Color sensor in addition to the Base set, while this one needs an additional ball bearing. This provides this robot with a lot more stability and can be seen as a true upgrade to the first version.
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
Active robot attachment for the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Box robot chassis. The attachment is placed on the top of the robot and uses a system of two gear wheels to transfer the motion to a lever and to .... lift things.
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to be thrown back to the base, with the lifted model it collected, before the robot returns, so the team can start loading the model to the next attachment, while the robot is still moving. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.