Proportional Line Following with EV3 Mindstorms. Part 3
Last part of the series. The final touch of the program makes sure that it works and is following the line with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Color Sensor in a smooth and fast way.
- #177
- 01 Nov 2015
Last part of the series. The final touch of the program makes sure that it works and is following the line with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Color Sensor in a smooth and fast way.
Continuing with the Proportional algorithm for following lines. Smooth and stable this is the first part of the PID.
Third, and last video of this series on how to use ONE attachment to solve the FLL 2014 World Class missions.
In a competition environment like the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) or World Robotics Olympiad (WRO) the color sensor is more than useful. It makes positioning on the field quite easy and precise.
Tasks on using the LEGO EV3 Mindstorms Color sensor. Quite fun and useful for different STEM classes or just to get to know the sensor.
The color sensors supports different modes of working. In this video we are working with the Reflected light, which is not actually the detected color. Most robotics sensors actually work with reflected light and you should definitely learn how to use this mode.
The program from part 3 should be refactored and improved to make it easier to understand and support. We extract most of the repeatable behaviours in a loop and this reduces the size of the program three times in terms of the number of blocks used.
We show the principle of solving the next FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Nature's Fury 2013 competition missions. Again, without any programs, but just the principles of using one attachment for most of the missions.
Use the color sensor to count the lines and stop on the third line. We do not use the wait block for this.
How can you accumulate some energy in an LEGO Mindstorms EV3 construction an use this energy at a later moment? How does a Flywheel work, why is it important and what is the purpose? What is energy, inertial moment and angular velocity. These are just some of the questions we would answer in this series on Physics and LEGO Mindstorms.
Counting lines and stopping on the third is the subject of this video. It is important to know how to do this in order to conduct more than one experiment in STEM classes (if we consider that each line is an experiment)
One attachment to rule them all...We have seen it and it works -> solving most of the competition models with only one attachment. In this video tutorial without programming we would walk you through the principles and methods of using a single attachment for most of the FIRST LEGO League competition models. One can learn alot from using as few parts as possible to solve as many missions as possible.
In the first LEGO tutorial we started following a wall with the Ultrasonic Sensor. In this tutorial we would improve the program, remove the zig zag movement and make it very smooth.
This tutorial is about how to follow a wall with an ultrasonic sensor. The example is with a border from a FIRST LEGO League (FLL) competition, but could also easily be applied to other competitions and problems.
Very simple and basic introduction to the color sensor in the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 set. The first program is to stop at a line. Then we can move from stoping at line to counting lines and even more complex tasks.
Tasks for school STEM classes or home exersie. Try to solve them to submit your solutions below.
Previously we caught the Truck with two rubber bands. The next step was to lift it. For lifting we used the Medium LEGO Mindstorms EV3 motors. In this video we are extending the attachment so that we could catch also the Ambulance. In forth video we would explore how to release both vehicles after transporting them.
"The devil is in the details". We are improving the Rubber band attachment with a Flywheel by introducing a few small, but important modifications that make the whole robot attachment more stable and reliable. With the conclusion of the series this attachment could be used as a basis for some very interesting STEM demonstrations on energy accumulation and conservation.
Follow an object using the LEGO Mindstorms Ultrasonic Sensor. Object moves away, the robot moves with the object. The program is very useful if you are doing STEM classes and you want to demonstrate results. People react very well to a robot following you like a dog for example.
Stop on detecting an object with the Ultrasonic sensor and move after detecting there is no object. Join of the previous two video tutorials in one
The robot detects an object. After the object is remove we want to make the LEGO robot move forward.
We are introducing the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor. The first program is actually to detect an object and stop near it, at about 4 inches/10 centimeters. The ultrasonic sensor could be used during robotics competitions, but most of its use is for experiments.
Extend the previously build attachment for the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Nature's Fury competition so that we can move the Truck and Ambulance up and down.
Tasks for STEM classroom and home exercise to get you used to using the LEGO Mindstorms Touch sensor. Solve them, build a program, record a video and upload your solutions below.
The way sensors and programs work in a robotics system is sometimes not-intuitive for a beginner, but nevertheless very logical. Building a program for a touch sensors for "Press->Go->Press->Stop" using the EV3-G software could be quite challenging at the beginning even for experienced teachers, students and robot builders.
We create a program for detecting when the Touch Sensor was Pressed/Released. Move until it is pressed, continue when it is released.