EV3 basics course. Motor programming. Tasks (part 6)
Experiment with moving the robot in different geometrical figures. The tasks could be used in STEM classes for introducing students to geometry and math.
- #133
- 02 Oct 2015
Experiment with moving the robot in different geometrical figures. The tasks could be used in STEM classes for introducing students to geometry and math.
Move the robot using the Move Steering block. We explore what the different values for Steering mean and how to use them. We also explore how the motor is configured to run for a number of rotations or seconds and what is the difference.
Tasks for STEM classroom and home exercise to get you used to using the LEGO Mindstorms Touch sensor. Solve them, build a program, record a video and upload your solutions below.
In this episode we will show you how to build the FiveMinuteBot. We will make a quick overview of this Mindstorm Robot.
Now that you have tried and solved a challenge involving a series of instructions, we would like to share a few best practices.
Every electronics tutorial, book or course about Raspberry Pi or Arduino will use a motor driver. Very few of the courses will actually explain why do you need a Motor Driver, what is it for?
With the set for the course, you also have an SD card. It is important that you understand why and how is the SD Card is used.
We are about to connect the whole car with the lights and motors to the controller. Let's recap to know what is ahead of us, what would the process be and what is the end result of the next couple of sections when at the end we have a car controlled by the phone
In the course, we are going to use the following components and hardware elements. It is important to know their names and what are they used for.
We need to extend the cables to be able to connect them to our Raspberry PI. We must also add new connectors at the end of the cables.
In the set for the Perfect Course, you have 3 different type of cables. They are called Breadboard Jumper Cables. We would need to use them to extend the default cables on the car and to connect the car components to our new controller
The power in the car comes from the batteries. The batteries are in a batteries holder. About 5 of them. Two cables are connected to the batteries holder. It is very important to identify which of those cables is the plus and which is the minus.