EV3 Phi. Teacher's note about a cup of water on the robot
How to place the cup on the robot so that the challenge is challenging.
- #405
- 10 Apr 2017
How to place the cup on the robot so that the challenge is challenging.
The field in the game of life could be finite or infinite. It is interesting to see and learn how an infinite field behaves and works.
The task is to find what the best seed is that will live the longest without entering into a loop or without dying. Find it and submit in the tasks section.
The goal of this lesson is for students to have fun with a new robot.
The goal of this lesson is to introduce students to the setting for measuring the reflected light of the color sensor and to recall how to follow a line.
Third wheel experiments, changes in the robot, students could choose the task all by themselves. Make sure you have a lot of fun and students complete their tasks. Here is what you should know when conducting this class.
The robot is equipped with two motors, one for each side. As a result, whenever the robot turns, it always follows an arc path. The size and radius of this arc can vary depending on the turn.