During this lesson the students will have to build a robot looking like a bat. Then they will be introduced to the EV3 Ultrasonic sensor and will have to program the robot to behave like a bat. Bellow one can find summary of the tasks and theory from the lesson.

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- #940
- 17 Aug 2018
Build the Underside Motor Attachment as base for the robot and add wheels.
Attach the ultrasound sensor. Finish the robot so that it looks like a bat:
Later on for performing the tasks in the lesson the bats constructed by the students should have an object designated as a pray. Decide based on the time whether you build the "pray" or the students build it on their own. It should be big enough so that the ultrasound sensor can detect it.
Theory and programming:
You can share and discuss a little bit of theoretical information about ultrasound without going into detail. For example: Human beings cannot detect ultrasound waves. Unlike humans, bats depend entirely on ultrasound as they are in fact blind. Ultrasound helps them find their way at night and in dark places such as caves.
The first task will be for the robot-bats to move without hitting the walls in the room. Check whether the task is successfully completed even when the lights are off. Discuss.
The second task will be the robot-bat to find its prey and chase it.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level A2. "Space exploration". Robotics with LEGO
The second level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in second, third or fourth grades.
A new sensor is introduced - the Ultrasonic distance sensor can help the robot avoid obstacles. Students work with new concepts like loop, degrees and medium motor. Robots can now do two different actions at the same time - while solving missions on a field, the third motor clears detected obstacles. The first robot with chain-treads is built.
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Lesson 4 - Ultrasonic sensor
As you have already seen from the title, today’s lesson will be about ultrasound. Prepare to have a discussion with your teacher.
- What is ultrasound?
- What are the applications of ultrasound?
- Is it possible for robots to navigate using ultrasound?
- How bats see in dark?
Let's build a bat!
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