Let's make a competition - there is a pole that the robot must turn around and return home.
- #381
- 17 Mar 2017
- 1:49
Description of the competition
One of the oldest and most common competition not only with robots, but among humans is running to a pole, turning and returning back. We can see examples in ancient Rome with chariot racing, and we can see modern examples with powerboats in the ocean. You can think of basically every competition around a track as a more complex version of running to a pole and returning back.
Requrements to the competition
Let's make a competition - there is a pole that the robot must turn around and return home.
All the time the robot must face the direction it is moving at.
No backwards movements this time.
Try to solve the challenge now
Go ahead and try for 5 minutes what you can use in the EV3 software and then check out approach to the challenge.
One of the oldest and most common competitions not only with robots but actually among humans is running to a pole, turning around and returning back. And we can see examples in Ancient Rome with chariots running and we can also see examples with power boats in the ocean. You can think of basically every competition around a track as a more complex version of running to a pole and returning back.
In this module we'd implement a program for the robots competing in a competition where they must run to a pole, turn around a pole and return back.
This is the competition for this module. All the time the robot must be facing and moving forward. So, you are not allowed to just reach the pole and return back.
First, try to do it yourself. You know how to build a program with instructions. Try to check some of the blocks in the EV3 software and to implement a program where the robot just moves forward around a pole and returns back. And this is how the program should work.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

EV3 Phi. Introduction to robotics with LEGO Mindstorms
The things that you will be able to do with your EV3 robot by the end of this course are:
Freely move your robot towards desired target;
Avoid obstacles on the path of your robot using sensors;
Follow lines of any shape;
Detecting and picking up objects of any kind;
- 92
- 220:20
- 36

Programming Arc turns. Adjusting robot speed
Let's make a competition - there is a pole that the robot must turn around and return home.
- 5
- 0
- 5
- 3d_rotation 0