We can always manually change the costume in Scratch, but sometimes we might want to change it while the program is running.

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- #1588
- 26 Mar 2020
Manually switching the character costume
You can change the costumes of your characters inside your programs or by selecting that you wish for it to use to the left of the drawing tools:
Costume change block in a program
The block that helps us achieve this is located in the purple palette and it's called "switch costume to":
In the menu of this block, you will see the names of the costumes written out in a list. If you have not changed their names they will be named "costume" followed by a number. When this block is executed, the costume currently on the sprite will be changed to the costume displayed on the block.
Warning: Costumes are not returned to their original state. In order to not forget to fix the costumes on every sprite before every start of a program, we recommend placing a block at the beginning of the program to do this for you.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Keep 'em clean - remote Scratch game course
"Keep 'em clean" is a game that uses the players' real-life movement captured by a camera to control many "people" and push them towards a sink where they wash their hands! In this course, you will learn the basics of programming with Scratch, as well as using the "Video Sensing" extension to receive movement from the camera!
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Lesson 5 - Creating costumes for your character
In today's lesson, you will learn how to change your sprite's costume or "skin".
What can we use this for?
In our game we want a clean character to become dirty when another dirty character touches it.
We can make a separate sprite for the other character, but that would mean that the clean one must be replaced with the dirty one when touched.
When we get our hands dirty we are still the same people, just a bit dirtier on the inside. This is why today we will use a skin-changer so that the sprite is the same but it's costume changes..
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