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- #1372
- 28 Jun 2019
Example solution for "Defender - the robot spins until it detects an object and moves forward"
Example solution for "Intruder - the robot moves forward until it detects an object and then moves backward"
Following and running
Example solution for "The robot is following an object at 50cm distance (only forward)"
Example solution for "The robot is running away from an object that comes closer than 50cm (only backward)"
Example solution for "The robot is following another robot, both backward and forward"
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level A2. "Space exploration". Robotics with LEGO
The second level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in second, third or fourth grades.
A new sensor is introduced - the Ultrasonic distance sensor can help the robot avoid obstacles. Students work with new concepts like loop, degrees and medium motor. Robots can now do two different actions at the same time - while solving missions on a field, the third motor clears detected obstacles. The first robot with chain-treads is built.
- 63
- 3:02
- 117

Lesson 7 - Catch me if you can Game
For students who will not take two levels in a row today is their last lesson.
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 3d_rotation 0