Did you know that most of the modern ships and bigger boats have a gyroscope sensor on board? How do you think it looks like? How big is it?

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- #1277
- 08 May 2013
These ship devices are called gyrocompasses. Their purpose is to show where is North - just like a compass - but they are more accurate and are not influenced by metal or magnet objects. The gyrocompasses are not huge devices, but they are much larger than our sensors. They are about 50 centimeters wide and about 1,2 meters high, though the purpose of the size is to make it easier to work with. Today gyrocompasses are used along with different systems, such as GPS, to locate the exact position of a ship.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level D2. "Seafaring". Robotics with LEGO
The eighth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
In this level, students learn to use the fourth sensor in the robotics set - the gyro sensor. The robots are modeled after boats, yachts, and ships. With the help of the gyro sensor, students can set a course for their robots to a given angle and can detect deviations from the course. In open seas, there may be sea-monsters and the robots are being programmed to detect a sudden change in acceleration with the help of the said sensor.
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Lesson 5 - Following a direction
Remember to provide feedback to students regularly. It's important to give structured feedback in the form of a grade. Today, you'll need to grade your students following this article.
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- 3d_rotation 0

Robotics with LEGO - Level 2.5 - Maritime Journey
The fourth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students from fifth to twelfth grades.
In this level students focus on the rotational sensor that is part of every motor in the robotics set. Students also learn to use the fourth sensor in the robotics set - the gyro sensor.
First few robot constructions imitate sea-animals and their behavior. Students create programs that check whether the robot's claws or pecks have successfully caught an object. That sensor in the motors allows the robots to go back in their lairs even after the use of unlimited movement. The rest of the robots are modeled after boats, yachts, and ships. With the help of the gyro sensor, students can set a course for their robots to a given angle and can detect deviations from the course. In open seas, there may be sea-monsters and the robots are being programmed to detect a sudden change in acceleration with the help of the said sensor.
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Lesson 5 - Personal Yacht
Remember to provide feedback to students regularly. It's important to give structured feedback in the form of a grade. Today, you'll need to grade your students following this article.
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- 3d_rotation 0