As a coordinator you can configure the messages that should be sent to the user when he/she is enrolled into a group.
- #1260
- 12 May 2019
Configuring the messages
The messages sent to coordinators, instructors and students when enrolling them into a group could be configured and edited from the groups edit page, section "Messages"
Sending messages
When enrolling a user into a group the platform is inspecting a few conditions and deciding what message should be send to the user.
1. What is the type of the user - It could be "student", "instructors", "coordinators" This will change the message by filling the value from the groups Messages section
2. Should the user be added to a subscriptions- There are three options :
- The user is added to the subscription of the coordinator. In this case the mail notifies the user that he/she is added to the subscription.
- The user is notified to buy his own subscription
- It is possible not to send anything about subscriptions to the user. This is useful if the user could take part in the group without the need of an active subscription.
3. Is the user that is enrolled into the group a new user or an already existing user in the platform.
3.1 If the user does not have an account in the platform and we do not set the password for this user, then the message will contain a text explaining to the user that he must activate his account and set his own password.
3.2 If the user already has an account in the platform or we are creating this account and setting the password for this account then no message for activation will be sent to the user.
4. All the values in {{ }} brackets, will be replaced with the corresponding data before the message is send to the user.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Use FLLCasts Productively
"An hour of fighting with the machine could save you 5 minutes of reading the manual" - a saying in the world of engineering.
This is a course for the FLLCasts users on how to productively use all the content and features on the site. You are enrolled upon registration.
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How to manage your groups
In this tutorial we will show you some of the fundamental things when viewing a grop.
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