Did you know we can set the program to use the brick buttons?

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- #1125
- 15 Feb 2019
So far we have used the buttons to navigate the brick interface only. In fact, they can be used by the program and programming the buttons won’t be anything new!
Imagine each button is a touch sensor. And this is not far from true. Is programming the buttons any different than programming the touch sensor? Not at all! We can use all known blocks with the buttons – the wait block, the switch block and even the loop block.
The only difference is that we have to specify which button/buttons is/are used in the respective task.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Robotics with LEGO - Level 3.0 - Security systems
This is the fifth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in fifth to twelfth grades.
In this level students will learn how to work with data measured by the sensors. The concept of Algorithm is introduced and the programs perform calculations without knowing the values beforehand. The programming blocks transfer data between each other via data wires. The robots are designed to address the problems of security systems. Variety of alarm systems are built and the physical principles of different security methods are considered.
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Lesson 2 - Weighing security stand
Weighing plate, using weight change block
The sensor of the robot from the previous lesson was binary. This means there was only one state possible – either there is an object or there is no object. Therefore, it was very easy to press the plate, take the exhibit and put a stone instead. And the system could not detect us anyway. That is why now we have to think of something better in order to protect the valuable exhibits.
A clever solution is to have a robot which “senses” each change in weight. If the weight is greater, this will mean there is someone pressing the plate and the system should trigger the alarm. If the weight becomes lower, this will mean someone has stolen the exhibit and the alarm should also go off.
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