
BSh (user asked us not to mention his name, just the feedback), September 2017

Your site is great and we used it a lot last year when preparing for fll. This year, my kids are not interested in participating in fll. They've grown up.

Regarding improvements, it would be good to have different kinds of base robots. Last year, the base was too low to jump over one of the obstacles. So we improvised.

Sriniwas Gedella, September 2017

Your tutorials are great and have been very helpful last year when I was coaching my daughters team for FLL. This year, since I do not have time for coaching, another parent has taken over the coaching responsibilities. I have shared your info.

Mike A from NH, September 2017

I am no longer involved with FLL team, but I did learn a lot from and enjoyed your material. Good luck!.

André Alcântara

"Bom dia prezados,

Sou professor de matemática e robótica aqui no Brasil e gostaria de parabenizar toda a equipe que desenvolve esses vídeos e cursos e também ao pessoal do telemarketing que me atenderam super bem e são atenciosos e prestativos. Muito obrigado pela ajuda e conto com vocês durante esse tempo. Minha equipe de robótica Albatroid sem dúvida será muito bem auxiliada por verdadeiros profissionais e tenho certeza que nessa temporada da FLL teremos um resultado muito melhor com esse apoio. Parabéns a toda equipe.

Um grande abraco do Brasil a todos.


Good morning, dear ones.

I am a professor of mathematics and robotics here in Brazil and would like to congratulate all the team that develops these videos and courses and also to the telemarketers who have met me super well and are attentive and helpful. Thank you for the help and I am counting on you during this time. My Albatroid robotics team will undoubtedly be very well assisted by true professionals and I am sure that in this FLL season we will have a much better result with this support. Congratulations to the whole team.

A big hug from Brazil to everyone.

Jean Yankovich

Really like the 3D ability to look at pieces from different angles as construction proceeds. Thanks for all the new additions and improvements.

I rely so much on your site as I proceed in my learning journey from basics to all aspects!

Jeff Kausch, Mentor – Lego Mages #1768, Nov 2016

Subscribed monthly during FLL season, but season is now over. May subscribe again next season. We very much enjoyed your website and videos

Jeffrey D. Nagle, Research and Development Automation Group, Nov 2016

Hi Kiril,

The teacher I work with was able to get things fixed. I was surprised that you guys launched another box robot, smaller version!! You’re killing me guys!! I built the big one this past weekend and love it. The outside mounted color sensor cable does interfere with rotational transfer gears so you might offer some remedy for this too. In all seriousness though, you guys have tremendous content and are an invaluable resource for us. Wish we had done this last year.


Shalini Suravarjjala, Oct 2016

I would like to register for the online intructor course. Timing is definitely a very big factor for me. If you can help me figure these out correctly, I will register right away.

You guys are awesome. You make things simpler to understand. Looking forward for reply.

Alex Rhinelander, Sep 2016

Thanks so much for your great site & resources. My FLL Team (Armbrae Dragonites, from Halifax, NS, CANADA) and I have learned a lot from your videos and discussions, and plan to continue our subscription.

One thing that would be extremely helpful to us is to be able to explore the code needed to solve a fairly complex mission from a past challenge. I am gaining an understanding of how better to program EV3, but I would really like to see how DR/sensor movement/attachment commands are fit together to make a successful whole.

Thanks again!

Don Lykins, June 2016

These guys ROCK.. help me troubleshoot their sample code for finding a line. Stayed with me until all the bugs were worked out. IT turns out my variables needed to be adjusted due to my different light conditions. Love these guys at FLLCASTS.com, can’t image life without them.

Federi Bernardini, Educational Director of RobotiCamp, April 2016

The videos on FLLCasts are a great source of inspiration for us to come up with new ideas and ways to introduce teachings and skills the robot should possess. Our latest mission was precisely based on a FLL route and the skills were that of the follower of lines.

Kimberly DeMaro, Feb 2016

I am not a teacher, I coach a home-based team. Most of my team ages out of the program this year so I am about sure about next year.

We think your videos are terrific--the best we've watched.

Good luck in the future.

Tim Gubski, Jan 2016

What a great videos you have produced! I think my FLL friends and I can learn so much from them, especially those about gears. I quickly browsed through all the videos to see which ones are EV3 related & can help tune our 2015 Trash Trek Challenge robot even if after the competition now. Unfortunately, I didn't find any videos on Trash Trek yet, but there were lots of great videos about gears that I liked & going to show to my FLL team when we meet.

Looking forward to seeing your solutions for this year's robot game.

Suraj Varma, Jan 2016

Let me convey my immense thanks to you and team for all that great information you have been posting on fllcasts.com. I am happy to let you know that the EV3 Championship base robot design that you provided was what we used for our Qualifier and State tournament.

The team won 652 points in State (coming 3rd in Robot Performance) and also won the Garmin 1st Place award for Robot Design. Please keep the great work coming.

Sarah Winne, Gifted and Talented Specialist, Conners Emerson School, Dec 2015

We just finished our competition at the state level, and I wanted to thank you for the help that your videos, programs, and attachments gave to my team. We received 1st place in Strategy and Innovation, and top scores in all the technical areas. In robot performance, we came in 8th overall, with over 400 points (and then 2nd overall in an unofficial playoffs among the top 8).

I believe it was because of all that we learned from your website. Although we adapted/revised everything for our situation, we used the competition robot for our robot design, the carabiner to get valuables, the rubber band attachment to get the methane loop, and the line follower program to help us navigate. I've hated to share our secret source, but after the competition, I did pass your website info on to some other coaches.

Tim Watkins, Dec 2015


An AMAZING FIRST LEGO League day! I am so proud how all the Minions performed! It highlighted a wonderful year of hard work and dedication that turned into some grand accomplishments.

The Yellow LEGO Minions ended up the overall Champion's Awards with the best display of Gracious Professionalism, top performer in Project, Core Values, and Robot Design. They also received the Robot Performance Award for achieving 620 points. The Purple LEGO Minions received the Robot Design award... an awesome accomplishment for a group of 4th graders and a very smart 5th grader. Their robot ended up with a score of 488. Both will advance on to North Idaho Regional (most likely January 23rd) at University of Idaho.

We owe some of our success to you and your help. Greatly appreciate how you mentored both teams with quick response, lessons, and new ideas. Something the coaches definitely do not have the time to think of their own.

Key to success - USE THE SENSORS... especially the Gyro! :)

Videos and pictures posted on our Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/LegoMinions/

From - ASCS LEGO Minions and ASCS Purple LEGO Minions and Tim

Adam Rizika - Coach of Team Pixi Stix, Nov 2015

We love your videos. I am a subscriber and we are using them to help as a virtual coach for our FLL team of 8 11 year old girls.We looked for a coach in Boston that could take the girls to the next level, but could only find people who could provide coaching for the basics. When we found your videos, it was like we found a virtual coach that could take the girls to the next level! Thank you!

Michelle Estrada, Oct 2015

Wow!! and Wow!! You guys are amazing! This is so helpful. I have shared it with my team and with Jen Velez, the FLL coordinator of our state at Arizona State University. Thanks again for your help, it will make our season that much more productive and fun!

Nagender Alamgari, Sep 2015

I think your site is extremely helpful for the kids to go through the videos and get ideas especially the young kids who are just starting. The construction explanation and also the programming explanation has been really helpful and easy to understand the reasoning behind why it is done that way. Your videos and the site has been really helpful, I have been subscribing for more than a year now. Great Job.

Stephen Stoycos, Coach teams RoboBacon 9494 and Crazy Rhinos 5206 in Ohio - US, Sep 2015

I'd love to see some examples of a robot photos/videos and your rationale to judge. Love your site.

Michelle, Sep 2015

That is Awe*Some...I will be sure to let other teams know... Thanks for your hard work! My students love the videos and get excited when they learn something new, like how to use the rubber bands. It's been very helpful in keeping the learning exciting. Michelle

Daisy Rayela, STEM Coordinator, Thomas Johnson Middle School, April 2015

Thank you. Finding your website is a blessing for me.I wish I have seen your video earlier so my students will have more time to make innovations of their robot for the FLL qualifying rounds. Your website is very informative. It is absolutely useful. Thank you for allowing me to view it. Currently, I have one team who will participate in the FLL. Our preliminary competition will be on January 31. We are done with the project but since we have limited background about programming and using Lego NXT mindstorm we have not completed all the challenges. Every time we test the robot, their movement change. There are times we got it then, when we repeat it it move different. So, when I saw your website and watch the video on preparing robot for a competition I understand what is happening.

Pita Badila, Feb 2015

I first found your website through one of your free videos. I was looking for a way to improve my FLL team's buidling skills, as well as looking for a new way to teach them to approach the table missions. We usually watch YouTube videos, but cannot really make out the details of the robots and certainly cannot understand how the more successful ones are built. I have found your site to be extremely helpful.

vedioboyminecraft, Dec 2014

Thank you so much! Don't ever take this video off please! You have no idea how many times i used it.

Evan Straw, Nov 2014

OMG Thank you so much! I spent two hours trying to get this to work but then I found this video and got it done in 15 minutes. I'm so happy right now :D

Aslan Saltas, Aug 2014

I watched your video and it was very informative. I am looking forward to see upcoming tutorials. I am FLL mentor and I give your resources to my students. Thank you for sharing.

Sandra McLoughlin, April 2014

Thank-you for your site. I’m a new coach to 4H robotics and FLL. (I’ve only ever used the NXT system as a data collector for science fair club.) I joined your site to get ideas about what the basic FLL Robot is and things I need to learn so that I can teach them to the kids. Your site is really great. I started with your directions on how to build a competition bot first. The basic episodes are a lot of help. The kids seem to learn a lot more from watching the videos than from reading several of the books that I have purchased for them. Hopefully, by the end of the season, the kids will have progressed into some of your pro episodes. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. It gave us a great starting point and a fun look at what the future has in store for our club.