
Kelly A., USA, September 2022

First off- I want to thank you so much for your dedication to FLLCasts, especially your First Lego League information. I use your site daily for coaching my team.

The team has decided on the Kiddo Compact Roller Coaster- do you have any suggestions as to what courses/programs I could lead them through to help them with programming this robot?

Thank you again for such a wonderful site-it is SO worth my subscription!! Have a wonderful day!!

Steve Z. United States, August 2022

(in a live interview in August 2022)

So let me give you a little bit background. So she had, I had just started our team this year. So we're basically rookies, you know, this is our first time, you know, with our kids doing it. So we have about four kids in our team there ranging from fifth to sixth grade is all their first time. So one of our friends actually was, was a veteran in this. They have been doing this for three, four years, you know, so we're learning as we go too. And one of the things we asked them is that if there's a website or tutorial or something for us to get started and he recommended you guys to me, so that's why I signed up, you know, and so far I'm loving it. Thank you for this. I mean, you basically has everything that we need. You know, I do see there are YouTube videos scattered all around the internet, but they're not systematic. They're not very sure they're not covering everything. You know what I mean? So, yeah, I think this is very, very helpful and I'm glad you're doing this, you know, and, and I'm glad you're giving us the chance of, you know, sort of connecting, you know, sort of a, you know, give us the potential we need.

Rachel M., August 2022

Excellent and very helpful, but my kids are grown and I am no longer a coach. We truly found the site lessons, builds and possible solutions from previous years to be helpful. Thank you for your support.

Shalini S. August 2022

Hi Kiril - the information and knowledge that I gained from your website is priceless. Anytime, I had any questions - it was answered promptly and professionally. I was so happy to find your site and your instructor team. My student has outgrown FLL and I no longer need the subscription. Hence, cancelling it.

Shafraz A, August 2022

Because I learned by myself, I was teaching him little by little, you know, then when I Googled, your website came because I couldn't find any other website, which teaches us how to compete, like specifically. But this one, I think pretty much falls into all the aspects

Marlize K. August 2022

Thank you for the input, our team this year is a rookie team for both kids and coaches so we will need all the help we can get. We are going to go with your gazon robot design as we have one spike prime and one robot inventor set to work with and you have designs for both that are similar.

Please help us by sharing good codes for line following, squaring, gyro etc.

I love your site, totally worth it.

Blaze Sand

"You guys did some great videos! Thank you"!

Nick Houghton, March 2022

"FLLCasts has been an excellent resource. I've used it to upskill myself in EV3. I have coached several FLL teams, and FLLCasts helped me take my skills to a much higher level as my team progressed through the various ranks. The 3D rotating building plans contained within FLL Casts revealed the possibilities that open up when box robots are built and provided clear instructions on building attachments and using gears. The tutorials explained the finer details of programming and allowed me to support my students in moving from novices to a competitive team. For the busy teacher or FLL coach, I can't recommend this product highly enough". Nick Houghton - Teacher and FLL Coach, NSW, Australia

Patrick Getchis, September 2021

"Thanks for the great service. I am taking a break from FLL. I will subscribe again once I start back up next year".

Coskun Polat, September 2021

"It was very useful and creative working with you. I totally liked your materials, projects and ideas. However, I do not need anymore for this coming season. But, I will definitely come back when I start to work at this field. Thank you guys"!

Michael MacFarland, September 2021

"You have a great content. We were coaching FLL teams and helping our children learn. We continue to recommend your site. If we resume coaching, we are likely to repurchase membership. It helped us be prepared for the competition".

Roberto Damiano, August 2021

"I'm on my third subscription and happy with the results achieved. Gratitude. Thank you for the partnership. Thanks to you, I have done a good job in the educational institution where I work. I learned a lot from your courses."

Jerome Seppelt, May 2021

"FLLCasts must continue because you are the best resource for educators. There is no other source to obtain all the needed information and examples in one place to move forward in FLL. Other wise it is hunt and peck to get the information you provide at one's fingertips".

Dave Covino, February 2021

"FLL Casts has great content! Our team is composed of 4th-5th grade students and we found the information you provided on topics like Box robots *extremely* helpful. Also, the tips on how to follow a line and other types of intelligent robot control are invaluable. There is no resource like FLL Casts out there for a new team of young kids who are eager and excited to learn the EV3. Neither Lego nor First Lego League provides *any* step-by-step instruction from both a mechanical and programming point of view - which seems like a huge miss".

Jerome Seppelt, January 2021

"I want to thank you for your programs, they were so valuable in having a FLL team move forward".

Chris Smith, January 2021

"I was using FLLCasts to assist with coaching a FLL team. It was very useful and a great platform. I no longer need it at the moment, but may find use again in the future, if I end up coaching again".

Sertan GÖNÜLTAŞ, November 2020

"First of all, you have produced a page with very nice content. Thank you very much. Since I participated in the FLL contest, I was using your web page in robot design and basically to learn the codes. I chose not to participate in the competition this year. I am thinking of rejoining your platform when I decide to join the competition again".

Rino Rossiр, November 2020

"FLLCasts is very good"!

Jaysankar Iyer, October 2020

Your website is a fantastic resource and I have been recommending it to all FLL teams that we have been helping.

Anna Hartford, October 2020

I'm no longer coaching robotics or home schooling. I used FLLCasts for competition and home based learning through 8th grade. It's an excellent resource. I have recommended your site to others who are interested in learning more about robotics and/or are coaching robotics teams.

Jim Grisius, September 2020

I have found the resources on FLLCasts.com to be valuable for both students and coaches and on target with what I was seeing at the regional and state competitions.

Kai Lai Chen, July 2020

My son now doesn’t play LEGO anymore. FLLCasts is great actually and we will come back in the future.

Bayram Koyuncu, April 2020

I really like the way you are teaching in Scratch Course. The Course goes with methodology of PBL (Project based learning) which make the course more attractive and motivational. The course allows to learn scratch from basics to higher levels through course stages. The project's topic is also amazing which is nowadays everyone's concern (hygiene) . I as a Computer science teacher will do this project with my students. I believe this project will encourage them to pay more attention to cleaning. Thanks for your perfectly organized lessons. I will be looking forward to hear more courses from Fllcasts.

Dhaval Parikh, March 2020

I need to cancel at this time, but may consider returning. Your site is excellent and I have recommended it to others.

Piotr Kluba, January 2020

Hi I bought my ev3 core set before Christmas and I’m pretty much ignorant when it comes to mindstorms. So far I built two robots and I’m planning to learn programming at an accelerated speed. You guys take it to the next level. I’m in awe of what you have accomplished.

Janie Sellers, January 2020

Aleks, I just have to tell you. We just went to our first competition. Our high score on robotics was 335 and we got first place! But here is the even better part. We won the Champions award. We came in first place over the 24 teams that were there! Thank you for teaching me about robotics!

Deepa SM, September 2019

The kids learned how to built box robot through your website with another coach. They did struggle with attachment using dogear gears. They couldn't reliably manage the attachment. This last season we liked the concept of box robot and it pros that we created one and customized the attachment to ensure we had vertical and rotational movement for gerhart mission. The idea of box robots is great. Tips and tricks of using dogears successfully will be very helpful for this typically 10-12 year olds.