Program for measuring the volume of a room
These are a series of programs that measure the length and volume of a room. They are meant to work with the robot Voli.
- #6pvre1
- 10 May 2019
Do you know you can detect how many degrees has the motor rotated? All you have to do is the Rotation sensor of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 & NXT. It is a sensor embedded in the motors themselves.
These are a series of programs that measure the length and volume of a room. They are meant to work with the robot Voli.
Hrutur, from Icelandic, means Ram.
The robot is made to resemble a Ram. Its main focus are the gears, which make it go faster so that it can ram harder. It uses two Large EV3 motors to power the gear systems. At the front it has an Ultrasonic sensor for aesthetic purposes, which you can use however you like.
This lesson shows how you could use the rotation sensors of the motors of a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot. This technique is very powerful during the competition. We give ideas on how to show the value of the sensor on the display, how to check if you have completed a given job or you are still doing it and other even more advanced topics. Understanding the rotation sensor is a must if you want to use the full capabilities of the motors.
The scorpion is one of the most famous robots build with the NXT kit. In this lesson we are showing how to use the rotation sensor to program the scorpion and its strikes. The main challenge is how to return the spike for the same amount of degrees after it strikes. The other topic is how to use variable to keep the state of the scorpion. Both of this techniques are very valuable during the competition.
It's inevitable. While following this gapped line we would reach a gap. The robot must somehow understand that there is a gap and must make a decision on what to do. For detecting the gap we use the Rotation Sensor. Not the most popular, but very convenient in many cases. Check out the video.
This course is designed for students, mentors and teachers that are completely new to LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots and would like to start using them to learn, in classes or at competitions. It is quite different from previously built resources at FLLCasts because it makes no assumption on any previous knowledge and tries to introduce everything step-by-step.
Build from LEGO EV3 Core and Expansion set this robot looks like a scorpion. The Scorpion strikes, when it sees a pray with the ultrasonic sensor and you can use the touch sensor and the rotation sensor to control the spike movement. It has a scissor mechanism at the back using a system of gears and levers.
The CubeHunter uses the ultrasonic sensor to detect a ball or cube. Next, the robot catches it and reads the colour of the object using the EV3 colour sensor. The building instructions are suitable for classes with students and if you are working alone at home.
Instructions for building remote control. It uses the rotation sensor to determine the steering and touch sensor for handling the movement. Find building instructions for a suitable chassis here.
Together the controller and the car look like this:
The block has the following parameters from left to right:
The robot uses two Large Mindstorms EV3 Motors to open and close its shell. On the top of the shell are used four hoses, that can be reshaped to form different shell styles. It also uses two black bent beams for eyebrows, that can be moved to change the expression of the clam. A Castor Ball is used to represent its pearl.
This is a version of the Midas - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Clam robot. The main difference between the two robots is that the motors are flipped.
The robot uses two Large Mindstorms EV3 Motors to open and close its shell. There are four hoses on the top of the shell which can be reshaped to form different shell styles. It also uses two black bent beams for eyebrows that can be moved to change the expression of the clam. A Castor Ball is used to represent its pearl.
The Laboratory is a robot that tests your programming skills. You will have to measure the volume of a balloon, only by the values you receive from the sensors.
It has a valve, that allows you to deflate your balloon at different rates.
How to place the balloon in the robot is explained in this tutorial.
This project is for Lintu - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Kiwi bird robot. The project includes three programs, the first is the main program for the robot. It goes forward until it sees a hand next to its beak, then closes it and returns to the starting point, its nest. The second program is an upgrade: the robot not only closes its beak, but also check if there is "food" in it. Both the checking for food and the returning to starting position are made using the motor rotation sensor.
The last program is a fun one. It makes the robot bite!
Rollbar is a handy device, which only purpose is to measure lengths. Its main purpose is to measure curved lines.
It's designed for right-handed people, but with some small adjustments, it could fit any palm.
This program is for Frog Bot - LEGO Mindstorms Robot that could jump. The program makes the robot move like a toy car with a wind up mechanism. It starts by waiting for three seconds, when you should turn the legs of the frog by hand backward. Then it makes a sound, and the robot starts jumping forward, as much as you have wound it up. The program uses motor rotation sensor to know how much it was wound up.
This program is for Cardiidae - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Clam robot. It provides a solution for the final tasks in Lesson 1, level D1. It makes the clam robot detect when it is being opened and then to close itself.