Content for Cortex

VEX EDR Intro. Configure VEX motors in RobotC programming software
The comunication between the motors and the controller should be configured in the RobotC software. Each motor could be connected on a different port and the goal of the video is to show you how.
- #326
- 28 Feb 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Try to move forward & backward. First try. Unsuccessful.
We are ready to build the first program for moving the robot forward and backward. We learn how to build simple programs for moving the program. But it is not that easy...downloading to the robot does not always result in the robot moving.
- #327
- 01 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Connect VEX motors to the Cortex controller. Use the motor drivers/controllers.
Conenct the motors of the VEX EDR motor to the VEX Corted Controller. For connecting we need the motor drivers.
- #325
- 27 Feb 2017