Program for Winner - VEX IQ Competition Robot for the 2018-2019 Challenge.
This is a simple demo program for Winner - VEX IQ Competition Robot for the 2018-2019 Challenge.
- #rkv0xn
- 19 Aug 2019
This is a simple demo program for Winner - VEX IQ Competition Robot for the 2018-2019 Challenge.
With this program you can drive the Truckie or every robot with the same port settings. It is easy to drive with that set up because you use the left stick to control the speed and the right stick to steer. The benefit according to Truckie Hard To Drive VEX IQ Program for Modkit is that this set up uses both sticks to control the movement. Probably you will use this stick setting in the VEX competition and practicing this type of setting will be very useful for your driving skills to grow. Ones you have master this driving technic you will be more relaxed while you are on the competition.
After you feel satisfied with your driving skills and you have accomplished all the goals you can continue with the competition driving program settings.
This program is mainly for controlling Truckie VEX IQ robot.
This program can be used to control the Advanced Truckie. This programs include the use of the R UP and R Down Butons on the VEX Controller. It lifts up and down the arm of the Advanced Little Truckie.
With this program you can drive the Truckie or every robot with the same port settings. It is hard to drive with that set up because to have the robot move in the right direction you need to be very precise with the stick. The part of the problem is that this set up uses only one stick to control the movement. You have to chose left or right stick. If you use both it will be a great mess. It is not impossible but it is very hard to do. You probably will never use this stick setting in the VEX competition but practicing this type of setting you will become very precise with the controls and your driving skills will grow a lot. Ones you have master this driving technic you will be more relaxed while you are on the competition.
After you feel satisfied with your driving skills and you have accomplished all the goals you can continue with the competition driving program settings like Truckie - Easy To Drive VEX IQ Program for Modkit.
This program is mainly for controlling Truckie VEX IQ robot.
This is a program that controlls the Roberto With Rack For Pushing To The Left And Right Side - VEX IQ Robot
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control The Roberto Bot chassis with Modkit for VEX. This program can be used and for other robots/chassis.
The robots are available at:
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control the Roberto Bot With Four Bars Lifting Mechanism, and also Sports Chassis With Eight Bar Lifting Mechanism - VEX IQ Robot.
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control the Pesho Bot chassis.