Coin counter program
This program counts coins. It is meant to work with Scrooge McRobot. For it to count the coins correctly, you must change the coins border sizes to match the measurements of the coins that are being used.
- #udv6w2
- 17 May 2019
This program counts coins. It is meant to work with Scrooge McRobot. For it to count the coins correctly, you must change the coins border sizes to match the measurements of the coins that are being used.
This MyBlock is made in substitution for a regular wait-gyro-rate block. It is made with a filter so that big differences in sensor data don't show up as much. It also uses only absolute values of the data so negative or positive angle on the gyro sensor does not matter. The MyBlock ends, when the rate is below a certain value, which is inputed by a parameter.
By default the Gyro sensor is connected on port 2 but if your robot is different, make sure to change the blocks to suit it.
This is the second program for the Watchtower Security Bot. These programs are meant to build on the security features the robot offers, and to return it to its starting condition afterbeing used. You can find the first program for this robot here.
A collection of MyBlocks, that help you use the Turtle robot. The MyBlocks used are the following:
FollowCourse: Makes the turtle rotate, until it reaches the course it uses. If it's already on it, this MyBlock makes the turtle go forward. It uses the power you set it on.
PickNewCourse: Makes the turtle pick a new course.
HideInShell: Makes the turtle hide in its shell for the designated amount of seconds.
CurrentAndDesiredCourse: Displays the Current course and the course it wants on the display of the robot.
Careful: Gyro Sensor port in this program is port 3. Check your cables when you run this program.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use any version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software
A program, that makes the Turtle follow a designated course and get back to it, even if it's been manually rotated. It also hides in its shell when it sees anything close to it.
Careful: Gyro Sensor port in this program is port 3. Check your cables when you run this program.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software
Playing Football with robots is extremely fun. It could be part of the classes, it could be part of demonstration days. This is a EV3 LEGO Mindstorms Project including the programs for controlling the WRO Football Striker and the WRO Football Goalkeeper, as well as all of the necessary My blocks.
In this program, we return the robot to a straight orientation at the end of the program. If there is not enough time for the Mindstorms Gyro sensor the correct the orientation of the robot before the end of the program, then we should do it at the end.
This is an EV3-G project that contains two programs implementing an Integral compensation - integral part of the PID algorithm. The first program is for a Five Minute Bot and the second program is for Box Robot. The things that you should be careful when using the program for your robot are the direction of the motors in the steering block; whether the motors in the steering block are written as "B+C" or "C+B" and the coefficients in the two math blocks. The coefficients that we've chosen should work for most of the robots, but will probably not work for some of them. If they don't work, write to us, comment below in the comment section or drop us an email.
Proportional implementation for keeping the LEGO Mindstorms robot straight. The program will take the value of the Mindstorms Gyro sensor and will apply this value to the steering block. This will make the robot steer in a direction that would put the robot in a straight position again.
This block accurately turns the robot to a specific angle. One of the most useful blocks that you could use during competitions. The block makes the robot turn and when the robot makes an error, the block will correct for this error.
Finally, you can be sure that the robot has turned to the specific angle that you want.
You have three inputs
VERY IMPORTANT: This is a block for EV3-G. You download and import this block from Project Settings->Blocks->Import. If you are using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge and you click to download the file it will try to save it as "zip". DO NOT SAVE IT AS ZIP. Save it as "ev3s" or just PLEASE, STOP using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. This will dramatically improve your browsing experience.