Vault Door programs
These programs are examples of programs that complete the tasks from the third lesson of 3.0 course. The programs are designed for the Vauld Door Robot.
- #oh2g6c
- 04 Jun 2020
Touched, Released, Bumped. These are the basic three states of the LEGO Mindstorms touch sensors both in EV3 and NXT versions of the robots.
These programs are examples of programs that complete the tasks from the third lesson of 3.0 course. The programs are designed for the Vauld Door Robot.
This program is an example solution to the tasks in lesson 5 of course 4.5. To operate correctly, the robot is expected to have a medium motor attached to port A and a touch sensor attached to port 1.
This program turns the LEGO brick into a reaction game that can be played by up to four players. You must have touch sensors attached to the robot in order to play. When you start the game, the robot will start to play random sounds, and suddenly it will shout "GO". The first player to hit their touch sensor after that signal will be declared the winner. If the robot manages to trick you with the random sounds into pressing your touch sensor before the "GO" signal, it will stop monitoring your sensor and you will not be able to win.
This is an example program for tug of war with two touch sensors. The game can be played with almost any robot, so we used: https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/265-five-minute-bot, because it is the simplest. You have to attach two touch sensors at ports 1 and 4, preferably with long cables. You can also add a color sensor to port 3, which will detect when to end the game, although this is not required. The game is simple, two human players click the touch sensors as fast as they can. The robot moves in the direction of the one that clicks the fastest and the goal is to bring it to your finish line.
The program teaches about counters and flags. A big part of it is the good names of variables and loops and the addition to plenty of comments, from which students can learn how to form their program.
This program is a final version of the game played with EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game. In this game you are given a sequence of hints which you are expected to remember and to perform the right actions in the given order.
This program gives your robot few reactions to having its button pressed. All of those reactions are added in the "Random" program, along with a function trying to predict the press of the button. The robot instructions you can find here.
A robot that can be an ATM or smart lock with color code. The programs pull in and push out the color card and play sounds if the colors are in correct order. When the order is incorrect, you hear an error sound.
The robot takes place in lesson 7 of level 3.0 Security Systems.
The solution of every task in the first lesson of the 3.0 module
The program is designed for this robot.
The last tasks require a second construction with a touch sensor.