Introduction: Museum Security
Did you know that some pieces of art, for example statuettes, have a really high price, sometimes reaching millions of dollars/euros? This is one of the main reasons why such pieces of art are so tempting for robbers. In order to prevent them from being stolen, various alarm systems for museums and galleries have been developed over the years. Nevertheless, when one has a clear goal, one becomes exclusively crafty, especially when talking about robbers. In this lesson we are going to focus on various security devices and the ways robbers can be caught/ hacked. Will we manage to come up with the most secure system?

Today we are going to build security devices for a museum with highly valuable exhibits. The aim of our robots will be to detect whether there is an intruder in the museum hall and whether the exhibit is on its stand. For the purposes of our lesson, we are going to use a mobile phone or the robot’s brick as an exhibit.
Later, we are going to use the already programmed stand to play Indiana Jones and try to steal the valuable statuette without being detected. Then, we will move to something more practical – namely, we’ll try to automate a store.