Yasli - LEGO SPIKE Prime color sensor robot
In Turkish, "yaşlı" means "senior citizen."
This robot is designed to introduce the color sensor. It uses two medium motors for movement and has a color sensor mounted on its side.
- #1902
- 30 Jul 2024
There are common patterns when working with LEGO Mindstorms Sensors that could be applied to Sound, Rotation, Gyro, Color and all the other sensors.
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT include many sensors. Use of the sensors is what makes the robot powerfull.
In Turkish, "yaşlı" means "senior citizen."
This robot is designed to introduce the color sensor. It uses two medium motors for movement and has a color sensor mounted on its side.
This is the robot that we use to demonstrate a solution for competition. This is a Post season solution. We never release any solutions during the season as this will have a negative impact on the competition. But after the competition we try to make a review and to see how we could have accomplish it. Our goal is to be better for next year.
This robot is quite powerful. The attachment mechanism on the front is one of a kind as it can do several things with a single motor: it can lift, it can unlock, it can grab. All of this thanks to the unique mechanism of gears
This is the robot that we use to demonstrate a solution for the World Robot Olympiad 2021 Junior competition. This is a Post season solution. We never release any solutions during the season as this will have a negative impact on the competition.
We started with this robot and it has a few good ideas. It can collect two cars at the same time. We later decided to go for a more powerful robot. Check out WRO 2021 Junior: Slaimi - a post season WRO competition solution robot
This is a pinless attachment for a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot that uses the Ultrasonic sensor. The attachment could be placed on top of the robot. As it is pinless, it is easy to quickly place and remove it.
This is a version of the Gazon robot that has a single color sensor and is useful for cases where you still have not purchased a second color sensor, but need to start working on the FLL competition season missions
This is a distance sensor attachment for Gazon 2.0, a LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor robot with a single sensor. This attachment is place on the robot whenever we want to work with the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Distance Sensor.
This incredibly compact SPIKE Prime Box Robot is made for competitions like FIRST LEGO League (FLL) and World Robotics Olympiad (WRO). Whakatae (from Maori's word "whakataetae", which means "competitive") is long 17 LEGO units and is with a width of 15 LEGO units. In front of the wheels it has two color sensors which it uses to align. Whakatae also has two Large motors for moving and has two medium motors for attachments!
It's has "V2" in its name, because it's the second version of Whakatae - LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Competition Box robot. The difference between the two is that the first one can be built with only a Large Motor and a Color sensor in addition to the Base set, while this one needs an additional ball bearing. This provides this robot with a lot more stability and can be seen as a true upgrade to the first version.
This is a distance sensor attachment for Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions. This attachment is place on the robot whenever we want to work with the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Distance Sensor.
Pallo, from ancient Greek, means to throw or to hurl, which is a part of the modern name "catapult".
Pallo is a robot made of two parts. The first part of the robot is the catapult! It has no electronic parts and uses two rubber bands to shoot a projectile to the second part. The second part is the target. It has a color sensor, which through a piston with different colored sections, determines how accurately the target has been hit! Good luck with the shooting!
Tohuru, from Maori, means owl.
Tohuru is a SPIKE Prime robot, that holds onto an edge and looks at the nearest object! It uses two medium motors to grip an edge between two wheels. In addition it has a head made out of an ultrasonic sensor, attached to a large motor, which allows it to turn 360 degrees! And most importantly, it looks like an Owl!
Big Wheelster, as his name suggests, is a robot with a big wheel! The Big Wheel is made out of the SPIKE Prime Baseplates. The robot also has an interesting steering mechanism! At the front we have added a touch sensor, to detect an obstacle and hopefully avoid it.
Swing game is a SPIKE Prime robot that is a game played by two people. The goal of the game is for both LEGO people to reach the center of the swing, without it tipping over on either side. The LEGO poeple are placed on motors, connected to two technic gear racks, that move along the swing. The motors are moved by two controllers, one using a color sensor and one using a Large motor. If one of the LEGO people moves too far without the other doing the same, the swing will tip and game over! Good luck and have fun!
Uylam is a robot that simulates a stormy environment for its ship. It is made using two piston-like mechanisms powered by a Large motor and offset by 90 degrees to create shaking similar to that of big waves. The ship itself is made out of a medium motor on a turntable and a gyro sensor attached to them. The purpose of this is to explore what is the best position of a ship compared to the waves, so that it sustains the least amount of shaking.
Barco from spanish means boat.
The robot is made to look like a sail ship. The sails are made out of technic panels, attached in various ways to create the best look. Otherwise the robot uses two motors with tyres to move. At the back of the robot there is a Gyro sensor, which helps it maneuver.
Mintonet (engl. Mintonette) comes from the name of the first iteration of volleyball.
The robot can move only forward and backward, without turning, with the help of a large EV3 motor. Another large motor is used to shoot. The robot uses an EV3 ultrasonic sensor to detect its partner and throw a ball at it.
Mintonette comes from the first iteration of Volleyball with the same name.
The robot uses two EV3 Touch sensors to control the turret left and right. It uses the EV3 Color sensor to trigger the shooting mechanism, which consists of an EV3 Large motor which pulls a lever to shoot a ball.
Umjaho - from the language of the Zulu tribe. It means "competition"
This LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot has three sensors - touch, color and ultrasonic. When the touch sensor is pressed the robot starts moving. The color sensor is used for following lines and the ultrasonic sensor is used to detect any robots in front of the robot.