EV3 Competition Robot with 3 color sensors
Modification of the EV3 Competition Robot Full with light sensors attached to the front
- #7
- 20 Jan 2016
- 2
Modification of the EV3 Competition Robot Full with light sensors attached to the front
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot that could be completed in about 3 minutes. Could you do it? Try it.
We use this robot when we need something very fast for a demonstration or a small competition. Just attach the motors and you are ready. It is fast.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Multi-axles mechanism
Incredible engineering accomplishments like space travel come about in steps. And many huge, progressive sub-goals need to be met before we can forever leave earth and live to tell about it!
The robot needs to send payload rockets (carts) rolling down the space travel ramp. The first cart is preset and ready to go, but the robot needs to load the other two from the base.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Gardening is easy, right? You just need a truckload of rich soil, some rain, sun, fertilizer, helpful bugs, CO2 and a rake but what if you were orbiting Neptune, in a room the size of a minivan?
Move the push bar the right distance at the right speed, to get into the green scoring range.
(mission descriptions source: https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
For rovers in other worlds, getting stuck is definitely not okay! Teams of rovers can help each other, but a lone rover needs to be very careful.
(mission descriptions source: https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
The chance of a “serious” meteoroid hitting earth in our lifetime is extremely low, but it’s not zero, and the devastation could truly wipe us out. How will scientists and engineers keep us safe?
From west of the free-line, send one or both meteoroids independently to the meteoroid catcher. “Independently”: see also M01, Section “Scoring Requirements”.
Scoring Requirements
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Space is quiet and beautiful, but with almost no heat, air, nor air pressure, it could freeze, suffocate, and boil you all at once! Help our spacewalking astronaut “Gerhard” get to safety.
The robot needs to get Gerhard’s body into the airlock chamber.
Scoring Requirements
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Solar panels in space are a great source of energy for a space station in the inner solar system, but since things in space are always moving, aiming the panels takes some thought.
Solar panels need to be angled toward or away from you, depending on strategy and conditions.
Both solar panels are angled toward the same field: 22 (for both teams)
Your solar panel is angled toward the other team’s field: 18
Possible scores: 0, 18, 22, 40 as shown below and seen from above your north border, facing north.
“Your” solar panel is the one on your west end of the table.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Soon after a launch, rocket engines often separate away from spacecraft by design, but that’s long before the spacecraft leaves the pull of gravity. So why doesn’t the spacecraft fall back to earth?
The robot needs to impact the strike pad hard enough to keep the spacecraft from dropping back down.
Scoring Requirements
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
To live away from earth, it would help if we were good at detecting and mining resources under the surfaces of other planets, moons, asteroids, and even comets.
The robot needs to get all the core samples out of the core site model, then it has options for what to do with them as described here, and in mission M03.
(mission descriptions source: https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
It is amazingly expensive to send heavy stuff like construction material into space, so scientists and engineers are instead learning how to print what they need in space, using available extraterrestrial elements.
The robot needs to get a regolith core sample and place it into the 3D printer, which will cause the 2 × 4 brick to pop out. The ejected 2 × 4 brick can then be delivered elsewhere for more points.
(mission descriptions source: https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Our Lander doesn’t have working parachutes, thrusters, or cushions, but one important feature is realistic … it’s very fragile.
Get the lander to one of its targets intact, or at least get it to base.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
If a satellite doesn’t have the correct velocity and distance from earth, it can fall, drift away, fail to function or get destroyed by debris. Propulsive adjustments need to be performed with precision.
The robot needs to move one or more satellites to the outer orbit.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
FIRST® LEGO® League mission requirements need to be achieved by your robot through its programs and its use of equipment. You’re allowed to hand-rescue your robot, but that does cause this penalty. Be sure to pay extra attention to the rules where they talk about “Interruptions"
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Though spacecraft travel crazy-fast, even the shortest trips involve a lot of time for the traveller’s body away from labour and recreation, which is bad for the heart and lungs.
The robot needs to repeatedly move one or both of the exercise machine’s handle assemblies to make the pointer advance.
A chassis built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts designed for World Robotics Olympiad
This WRO robot is designed to collect a lot of ping pong balls in its container. It's built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 and 45560 sets. These are the LEGO Educational sets. The robot has two chains that collect the balls and push them into the container attachment. This is one of the larges robots we've uploaded at FLLCasts yet. You could learn a lot by following the building instructions and paying attention to the details of how this robot is built. All the alignment, all the connections. Really beautiful.
The first of a series of attachments that we add to a World Robotics Olympiad LEGO Mindstorms Robot. The attachment is an example for collecting ping-balls. The robot and the attachment are in the same construction. The attachment is a base for a container that could be extended.
Robot for collecting ping pong balls used in the World Robotics Olympiad competitions. It is constructed with LEGO Mindstorms EV3